Frase river fishing???


Was looking to do some spring fishing in the Fraser this weekend, but understand that it is closed. But does the closure include water in the Hope area. The closure I have seen states from CPR bridge Mission down? Can someone explain where this includes, bit confused. Will keep looking.
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Yes, pinks too. Keep checking the regs in case they announce an opening after most of the sockeye have moved upstream.
Expect it to open back up today or Friday (next two Fraser Panel in season meetings) - don't hold your breath but ... water temps in the Fraser and tribs are now below 19C and all the scientific literature has sockeye migration impacts above 19C but little to no effect below. Add to that the JO Thomas study that showed caught and released "flossed" sockeye have negligible mortality and the fact that more summer run sockeye were killed in the mix stock FN fishery that was legally open on the Early Summers (30% of Sk were Summer runs during those openings) than any extrapolation of catch and release mortality - not to mention the fact more are getting killed each day in the illegal "protest" fisheries. Plus, a week ago, 1.5 million of the 2.3 million now forecast were already past Mission. If it isn't open and our rec lobby groups don't scream bloody murder I'll be very surprised and disappointed. Sadly, with DFO's so-called "Fisheries Management" that seems a lot more normal now than competent decision making and our rec groups seem to have very little influence anymore.
