Hello Slaydown,
Thats an awesdome looking boat and i sure hope you post some pictures after you get it all rigged up.
May this boat always get you to the fish and back home.
Jeffywestcoast Hello,
Nice looking boat you have there. Looks like there is some decent room to move around in. Looks a lot like a 17 footer I had once.
Keep the fish coming.
Hello Bone Man,
Yea I have had aplace for the Hewes craft boats for some time. Kind of reminds me of those new american angler phantoms by smoker craft. Now that 222 phantom OS sure has my attention. Of course so do many, many others. lol
So, I am finally done with my new to me boat. Rebuilt from a bare and neglected hull - basically from scratch. 6 months later I have my dream boat. Very happy how this turned out. Now it's time to get her fishing!
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