Former SFAB member passes away

Bob Rogerson, who represented the Amalgamated Conservation Society at SFAB meetings in the 1970's and 1980's, passed away at the age of 90 years on October 09, 2017. Bob served as secretary-treasurer of the ACS for many years until 1977. He was the author of documents submitted to the Minister of Fisheries & Oceans which led to the formation of a Salt Water Advisory Committee in 1964. This was the start of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board which has evolved from the hand full of members which initially met. With the help of the member clubs of the Amalgamated Conservation Society and Bob Wright as their spokesman, the ACS became a founding member of the SFAB. Bob was a dedicated recreational angler in the 1950's through the 1980's and became a Life Member of the Royal Canadian Navy Anglers' Association.