Forecast for salmon season


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of any forecasts for the upcoming salmon season? Washington fish & wildlife has posted theirpredictions and estimated numbers for this upcoming season
Most of the time these forecasts are seldom useful other than saying there will be lots or few of a species. With so many environmental, predator, climate and human etc. impacts it is even harder to accurately predict.
Posted the WA forecasts to this thread:

Barkley Chinook will be around same as last season at approximately 130 - 150K, or abundant category 4. Several stocks of concern came in above forecast last season - noting favourable ocean conditions as a factor in higher than expected returns.
Very generalized, but ocean temps this year should be cool-ish with the La Niña tapering off. Ie, favorable for salmon.

But... acidification continues unabated due to high atmospheric CO2.