For sale/trade: prawn traps, ice auger, shot gun, etc


Well-Known Member
2 square prawn traps. They're coated steel, black. I've used them a handful of times but my prawn spots are fished out so I'm getting rid of them. NEW condition. $35 each. Got them at Parksville Boathouse.

Ice auger for lake fishing. $40. Used twice. I know, wrong time of year, but I'm running out of room. This is the model:

Benelli Nova pump shot gun. One box of shells through it. Perfect condition. Black. Also have all the cleaning stuff for it. It's for bird hunting, but I only hunt deer. It was a gift. I think new it was around $1k. Offers?

Gerber Needlenose pliers /multitool (like this
$50. New in box. They're $100 on Amazon.

WHAT I WANT (for trades).
42" (or bigger) Alaska Mill. Ideally the one made by Granberg that doesn't require drilling the bar.
Heavy duty block and tackle. Going to be launching a 45' wooden sailboat this fall. It's being built near the beach on one of the gulf islands and I need to get it in the water. Should be interesting.
Chainsaw winch - Lewis Winch

Baseball bat and glove
Leather jacket, Danier. I'm 6'3'' and fits me good. Good condition.
Also, a wool overcoat, good condition, free.
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Sangstercraft, which model Benelli Nova is it? I believe there are 3 types?
Benelli Nova H2O 12 18.5" Matte Nickel Benelli BEN20090 $899.99 Buy Now
Benelli NOVA,12GA-3 1/2,28" MAX4 Benelli BEN20071 $699.99 Buy Now
Benelli NOVA,12GA-3 1/2,28" S/B Benelli BEN20000 $599.99 Buy Now
Sangstercraft, which model Benelli Nova is it? I believe there are 3 types?
Benelli Nova H2O 12 18.5" Matte Nickel Benelli BEN20090 $899.99 Buy Now
Benelli NOVA,12GA-3 1/2,28" MAX4 Benelli BEN20071 $699.99 Buy Now
Benelli NOVA,12GA-3 1/2,28" S/B Benelli BEN20000 $599.99 Buy Now

It's not the short nickel plated one, so it's likely one of the other two. I'l try to find the paperwork for it.