Fly Fishing Vancouver Island : please help


New Member
New to Vancouver Island, I’ve only fished the elk (in the summer) and the Big Q in Feb.Can someone tell me what rivers and good and when? Can they be fished in the winter? I always feel like I’m fishing the wrong rivers the wrong time of the year!
lots of options to explore best bet is to strap on the waders and go for a explore! Where are you located? Cowichan winter through the spring before the conservation closures in the summer is great for steelhead, resident trout, and brown trout. Campbell, Eve, rivers can be great in the summer for pink salmon. Also check out the fly fishing fishing bc forum.
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lots of options to explore best bet is to strap on the waders and go for a explore! Where are you located? Cowichan winter through the spring before the conservation closures in the summer is great for steelhead, resident trout, and brown trout. Campbell, Eve, rivers can be great in the summer for pink salmon. Also check out the fishing fishing bc forum.
We are in Nanaimo, we fish the elk late spring to fall religiously . Walking and wading That’s what we do, I’ve just found in the winter all the water is too deep and fast, then summer it’s too hot and low lol My wife and I only have 5/6wt set ups so we stick mostly to trout! What months do you suggest what rivers

Big Q
Little Q

Anything you suggest? Thank you!!
You should also look into beach fishing from spring into fall. When lakes and rivers are too warm there will be good opportunities for salmon off some of the beach areas. Your 5/6 rods will be fine for pink salmon and even for coho. Fly reels used should be suitable for saltwater use. If you can get a small boat of some sort there is good lake fishing. some lakes have smallmouth bass and there a fun fish, fight as well as trout and should provide opportunities into the summer and again in late summer fall as the nights get longer and cooler.
The rivers often come down to fairly low levels in the winter at times. Check this site when you're thinking of getting out, and take a look at the historical data to give you an idea of how the flows fluctuate.

Many rivers on VI have steelhead year round, coho in Oct-Nov, and chinook (Sept). Some have chum (Oct) and pinks (Aug-Sept). You'll need an 8wt for most salmon (6wt for pinks).

Winter fishing can be tough for catching as steelhead are few and far between most places, but it's still a nice way to spend a day.