Fishn' Map Rant

Last Chance

Staff member
Yep, this years version of the fishin' map, sitting right above the bait cooler at the local bait shop has the same damn hot spots RIGHT in the middle of Swiftsure Bank, on the rock pile itself, in the middle of the closure that has been in place since 1992. I wonder how many boats from south of the 49th I will be shooing away this summer as I run across to Boy Juiliet.

I'm starting to wonder if this rather attractive (If not dated) publication realizes that they are putting putting sportsmen in danger of loosing their rigs and large fines should our happy enforcement officers decide to bring the hammer down as hard on foriegners as they do on Canadians.

Just a rant, that's all, and I mean no offnese to our friends to the south who take the time to read the regs and enjoy or waters.
My Favourite Rant is the 'Grey Area' where the USA and Canada Border
is undecided along the 'fence'. Outside & to the south of Swiftsure. One uptodate chart from each country shows a different line. Be careful out there or you will find yourselves subject to a 'endearing' search of boat,legals and possesions by men w/m16's.
Been there and Done that..... [B)] That one is not in the regs.
I will do my part this summer at Neah to make sure everyone is well educated on the regs. and closure areas.

But ya know....the enforcement officers might like a few new boats :D

Another problem we are having down here are the idiots that don't know the difference between yelloweye, canary, vermillion, copperhead and other rockfish. The WDFW needs to step up the education on this, or just say that all "red" rockfish are off limits. I even ran into a guy last August that didn't know halibut was closed in WA and kept one anyone. He got a firm verbal beating by myself and other onlookers at the dock.

Sorry...didn't mean to change the topic. I guess the point here is education and enforcement.
quote:Originally posted by HALILLAMA

My Favourite Rant is the 'Grey Area' where the USA and Canada Border
is undecided along the 'fence'. Outside & to the south of Swiftsure. One uptodate chart from each country shows a different line. Be careful out there or you will find yourselves subject to a 'endearing' search of boat,legals and possesions by men w/m16's.
Been there and Done that..... [B)] That one is not in the regs.

Yep, best to keep a little north of it, unless you are working the Blue Dot, there is only one good pinnacle inside of the disputed zone anyway.
LastChance: Which bait shop has the map with the closed area? I'd be happy to contact DFO and have it changed.
LastChance: I contacted DFO this morning and sent them the link. They will be contacting the map manufacturer.
Good Day Tom
I provided a copy of the latest Public Notice for Switsure Bank to the map company and suggested they review the coordinates to ensure they are accurate. I've provided a copy for you as well. Thanks for passing this along. Hoepfully it will get sorted out.


L.G.(Larry) Paike
District Supervisor, Victoria and Duncan Field Units
DFO,Conservation and Protection
4250 Commerce Circle
Victoria, B.C.
V8Z 4M2
Tel: 250.363.3252
Cell: 250.812.2406