

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any suggestions for a saltwater fishing/camping destination for my family this summer. We are tenters, have a dog, need a shower (for the wife), a freezer to help us get our fish back to Kelowna, and an onsight marina with a boat launch nearby.
The last 5 years we have been to Tofino(no marina), Egmont Marina (great seafood, only got 1 salmon, but it was 32lbs), Sooke (Sunny Shores), Telegraph (Alder Bay), Bamfield(Island fish camp).
We had a good time at all these places, but the coast is such a big place, that we like to try somewhere new each year.
My boat is small, but seaworthy, and I usually fish alone offshore or with one other inshore.
If you want more details about any of the places I have stayed before, I'd be happy to help.
Port Hardy.
a freezer to help us get our fish back to Kelowna,.
remember your possesion limits!Enjoy it fresh.Don't waste!

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Thanks for the feedback.
I'm not the type of fisherman that gets his limit and then takes more for my wife and son. If they don't catch their own fish, we only bring home my two day limit (if we catch that many). I enjoy eating salmon, but understand very well that it's not about loading up the freezer. I released plenty of 8-10 lb springs (carefully) last year in hopes of getting the big one. When it didn't come, I was okay with that. I haven't killed a trout up here for years.

2 years ago I bucktailed for cohos at Malcolm Is. while everyone else chased springs. A great time. I let them all go of course, even though some guys were keeping them and saying that they were caught inside Beaver Cove(cohos were open there and closed at Malcolm).
You could try Sunny Shores in Sooke or China Creek on the Port Alberni Inlet.Another nice place is telegraph Cove up the other end of the island.There are lots of great places to fish and tent on the Island just not enough time to find them all.Sorry about telling you about places you have already been too,i didn't read your post properly the first time.but I see you have fish Bamfield so you should have no trouble with fishing Port Renfrew.

Edited by - casper5280 on 04/17/2006 09:38:54
Hi tubber, i stayed at both china creek and poett nook.I liked the nook better, a little more rustic and only a little ways from bamfield,both are nice you got calm waters of the alberni inlet for both.I guess it depends on the time of year.

thanks the runt