Fishing Regualtion Changes on the Cowichan


Well-Known Member
I picked up a copy of the 2011-2013 Fishing Regualtions Synopsis today and noticed that there are changes for the Cowichan River as well as Region 1. Here they are some from page 2:

Catch and release of all wild char in lakes and streams.

Catch and releast of all wild trout and steelhead from all streams.

Cowichan River- Repeal two no-fishing segments 1) Sept 1-Dec 15 - From the boundary sign just downstream of the Duncan pumphouse to the Allenby Rd Bridge, and 2) Oct 10-Dec 15 - From the CNR trestle (at mile 66) to 50 m downstream of the unnamed creek draining May Lake

Complete bait ban on all reaches of the Cowichan river.

Fly-fishing only for the Cowichan River from the wier (dam) at the outlet of Cowicahn Lake to the CNR Mile 66 trestle bridge

Close the river from the CNR Mile 66 Trestle Bridge to the tidewater mark.

On page 16 it has added:

Fly fishing only above CNR Trestle (Mile 66) Aug 1- Nov 15

No fishing downstream of the Mile 66 trestle between Aug 1 and Nov 15
Sounds like the Ministry of Do Nothing has expanded their rein of terror...more bait bans apparently aimed at stopping the great unwashed sports anglers from harassing "their" fish. Next we will be building viewing platforms to replace actually angling steelhead. Good thing I quit fishing steelhead 2 years ago out of sheer frustration from being regulated to death and told how much sports anglers are causing the demise of steelhead and the only way we could turn that around was to stop fishing entirely.
Hey Pat-- Good to see you have come around to the "right" side....... I beat you to that stage by 10 years!!! LOL