fishing literature

Since my desire to own a house on the island has brought me to work in saskatoon, far away from any steelhead streams and increasing the time without a rod in my hand to months on end, instead of the weekly pursuit i have become accustomed to, i have started to read fishing novels. So far i have read The gilly by various writers, and No shortage of good days by John Gierach.... Any suggestions for other reads would be appreciated guys. thanks YS
Anything by Roderick Haig Brown, especially if you're a Van Isle guy.

Also, A River Ran Through It ( Norman McClean ) I still think it's the best river fishing book I've ever read.

Most writing specifically about steelheading usually disappoints--overblown chest beating about size and numbers rather then mixing in the mysteries of the river and why we fish (back to R. Haig Brown who does that very well.)

Also, David James Duncan (River Teeth, The River Why, etc)

Good luck back in Saskatoon---
I read a book a number of years ago by David Adams Richards about his time on the Mirimachee (sp?). Don't recall the title but another well written book by a thoughtful non-macho author. Not a steelhead book, but a good book. He also wrote a hunting book recently that I'm looking forward to reading.

A great book about fishing (whaling, sea faring and survival really) is Into the Heart of the Sea. It is a well researched non-fiction book about the true events behind Moby Dick.

Which brings me to Moby Dick (still sort of a fishing book). This is the best book I've ever read.

And a book that every man in your particular situation should read is The Water In Between. This is another non-fiction by and about a young man who was stuck on the prairies, longing to sail away. And then he did. Not a fishing book, but a great tale of sea faring. It will have the same effect on you as On The Road has on teenagers. This book is so great that, when I couldn't think of the title just now, I called my buddy and we talked about it for 15 minutes. Neither of us has read it in many years. It's that good. Read it.
Pavlov's Trout - Paul Quinnett
Fishing and Thinking - A.A. Luce
Fishing with My Old Guy - Paul Quarrington
Fish, Fishing and the Meaning of Life - Jeremy Paxton
Wombats and Wooly Worms

Can't recall name of author but he was from Calgary I believe.

Laugh out loud funny in many spots and I loved it.

Take care.