Fishing for flatfish off the dock

Pile Perch are super bony you might use them to make a soup stock but I'd never try to eat one again.

I mean fine hair like bones that are godawful to have in your mouth.
Excellent! Are they good eating? How many will I need fora good meal? And what are the best times to catch them?

I never ate one. I used to put them in a cooler full of water and when I got bored catching them I'd let them go.

We used to use our cabin from May through the end of September, the perch were always there that I remember, but that was 35 - 40 years ago so my memory could be a wee bit askew. LOL
They are dumb enough to be caught over and over? Sounds like a pumpkinseed. My record (and this is in a lake) is the same one 3 times in a row. The only reason it ended there is he got my worm each time.