Fisheries and Oceans updated website harder to navigate than ever

fish brain

Crew Member
Due to the post about the Sooke closure extension, I decided to check the regs myself. First of all it seems almost impossible to directly find in season changes.Gone is the area searchable map with subareas. I took multiple pages to find what seems to be the relevant information, then one page says that the closure affects:

Species Areas Measure Type Measure Value

Salmon Coastwide Daily Limit Pieces 4

Chinook Salmon Coastwide Reminder Keeping your chinook salmon? You must record (in ink) all retained catch on your Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence.

Coastwide Daily Limit Pieces 2

Chinook Salmon (Wild) 20-4 to 20-7 Maximum Size (cm) 67 cm

Coho Salmon (Hatchery) Coastwide Reminder Hatchery coho (marked): Coho salmon with a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.

The other one says

Effective dates: 00:01 hours Wednesday, March 29 to 23:59 hours Friday, June
16, 2017

Waters: Subareas 20-6 and 20-7 (Sooke Harbour)

Management measures: You may retain two (2) chinook salmon per day. These
chinook may be either:

Wild or hatchery marked between 45 cm and 67 cm; or
Hatchery marked greater than 67 cm in length.
The minimum size limit in these waters is 45 cm in length.

Variation order 2017-183

Management actions after June 16 will be announced in a second fishery notice.
So are areas 20-4 and 20-5 open to wild fish ?
Daily limit in "pieces" I catch FISH-- not pieces. That is a commercial terminology.