Fish Farms latest report CTV news tonight

Glad that they did this story. Media will be our best tool moving forward against these parasites (the fish farmers, not the fish parasites :) )
I like how they said it was not harmful to humans. What person in their right mind would want to eat anything that has something growing in it? Something that flourishes after the fish is dead and takes a few days to start to react. We need the general public to know all about this and what they are putting in their bodies.

Long live wild fish!
Slight hijack here.....

Stopped in to the new INFO center off the Courtenay Parkway ----- what hit me right as i entered the facility was a big Salmon Farmers ad about how good they are. I wrote a nasty comment in the guest book and talked to an employee that said they have had a number of complaints about the dead fish farmers advertizing at the INFO Center. If you happen to be coming down from Highway 19 into Courtenay, take a right and stop at the visitors center and let them know what you thing about this-- enought complaints and it might get removed...
They don't know it because it's not on their radar yet, but there is a 'Big-Storm' brewing that is about to rock the industry and the collusive politicians who've chosen to sleep with them vs protect our Pacific salmon...

There will be WILD FISH!
Atlantic Farmed Salmon are now SLIME SALMON??

How many millions of our tax dollars are Harper and Ashfield going to waste proping up this indrustry while destroying our iconic Pacific salmon and the economy and culture of BC that is based on them?

Show some leadership; shut them down and ship them back to Norway.

Parents need to stop feeding it to their kids and instead take them out and teach them how to catch a fish and protect our Pacific salmon and the environment they depend on.
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Carnival Cruise Lines serves farmed Atlantics too-- not sure if they are the pacific or atlantic garbage