Fish Farm trouble in BC.

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A quote from link above^^
Funny(sic) how quickly these parasites(politicians) change their tune

Last spring, during the provincial election campaign, the NDP candidate for North Island, Claire Trevena, stood up in the Big House in the First Nations community of Alert Bay and declared that an NDP government would get rid of the disputed farms in open waters.

"We will remove fish farms, we are committed to that," she stated, "and make sure that these territories, and the North Island, are clear of fish farms."

Last week, Ms. Trevena said in an interview that she was only outlining the position of the NDP while in opposition: "What I said in the Big House is reiterating a long-standing policy, which is, we are going to work with everyone to find a solution."

Because the liberals have done so much better.:rolleyes: Everyone knows this can't be done overnight.
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The industry is also fighting a disease problem.

Infectious salmon anemia was confirmed at a Gray Aqua site near Conne River in July 2012, which led federal officials to order the destruction of hundreds of thousands of salmon at the site.

In December 2012, more fish were destroyed after another outbreak at a Cooke Aquaculture facility in Hermitage Bay.

While scientists have said those infected fish are safe to eat, the CFIA has not approved their sale in stores.
ISA labels not needed
The minister called it a marketing and precautionary move by the company. He explained that the fish can still be sold to consumers because there are no health risks to humans, and added the fish will not need to be labelled as coming from a site infected with ISA.

"There's no labelling required," said Byrne, who noted the affected fish were of marketable size. The problem seems to me is the Lab is looking at the disease in terms of its customer the Fish Farm. If its not harmfull to humans nothing to say no need to even label it. Who's role is it then to look out for the interest of the Wild Salmon as it is certainly harmful to them?
Did we just change topics?
Because the liberals have done so much better.:rolleyes: Everyone knows this can't be done overnight.
Bingo, new name, but little else changes. Promises in opposition are cheap, let's see what they can accomplish as a government over their 4 1/2 year tenure. It's still early, but they need to be held to their promises nonetheless.
I'm always amazed when people actually believe campaign promises of massive change. I don't think it's a matter of a vast conspiracy theory that causes successive parties to basically follow the status quo of their predecessors, if so that's a sad commentary on the state of our society. I think as they get into power and see the whole picture the compromises required for the "greater good" cross party lines and the cheapness of opposition talk becomes evident.
Thanks for your post 3x5.

Totally agree that - unfortunately with our current focus on political parties - good governance and democracy are hijacked. We don't need - nor should we have political parties (like Nunavut). Parties instead turn elections into sporting events where the electorate is duped into voting for a team with a shirt of a particular colour based on either ideology and/or self-benefit promises. Then - as far as the politicians are concerned - we can go back to bed and forget continued participation in the democratic process since the sporting event is now over because they say so - and trust them - the politicians - our governance is now in good hands.

Meanwhile the same government bureaucrats are in the same positions regardless of whatever party claims to be in charge and whatever PR rhetoric is pumped-out - and parties discipline any elected party member that - god forbid - openly represents his constituency.

The answer is continued, unrelenting public involvement in the democratic process and governance processes - especially including resource management decision-making and regulatory bodies. It's called accountability...
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Agreed, I've said it here and other places before partisan politics is nothing but white noise and does nothing but muddy the waters. Too bad we're such tribal animals and thrive on it so much. I don't understand how one can rationally identify as right or left in a black and white fashion, they both have pros and cons, something in the middle is the answer, where is that party?
Agreed, I've said it here and other places before partisan politics is nothing but white noise and does nothing but muddy the waters. Too bad we're such tribal animals and thrive on it so much. I don't understand how one can rationally identify as right or left in a black and white fashion, they both have pros and cons, something in the middle is the answer, where is that party?
The marijuana party? But they keep forgetting to vote... ;) Check this link for the life cycle of a Farmed Fish during 2013. It shows the Slice treatments because of high concentrations of lice per fish etc. But it is also the study to confirm HSMI in these fish. Meanwhile during this time the BC Animal Health Lab says A summary report from the provincial lab in 2013 states: “In B.C., PRV is common in farmed Atlantic salmon and farmed Pacific salmon, but HSMI does not occur in B.C.” . Something does not add up when two groups are coming to different conclusions. I also applaud the Investigation of Provincial Animal Health Lab.
Here comes watershed watch my heroes. Anti sport-fishing group.
If wild salmon are being infected with HSMI from the Fish Farms there won't be any left for you to catch anyways. Precautionery Principle says remove the Fish Farms from the Ocean where they interact with Wild Salmon. A slow unhealthy wild fish is a dead fish that will never spawn.
If wild salmon are being infected with HSMI from the Fish Farms there won't be any left for you to catch anyways. Precautionary Principle says remove the Fish Farms from the Ocean where they interact with Wild Salmon. A slow unhealthy wild fish is a dead fish that will never spawn.

I agree but I am not supporting NGO that have other things mind, Be very every careful here. All they do is cherry picky info. This support of NGO is going bite us in the butt as sportfishing group just watch. They want you to throw your support on farm issue and then close us down with orcas and wild salmon policy. They aren't are friends. I won't be throwing my support to any of them. I am 100% against framing in ocean, but I also am cautious.
I agree but I am not supporting NGO that have other things mind, Be very every careful here. All they do is cherry picky info. This support of NGO is going bite us in the butt as sportfishing group just watch. They want you to throw your support on farm issue and then close us down with orcas and wild salmon policy. They aren't are friends. I won't be throwing my support to any of them. I am 100% against framing in ocean, but I also am cautious.

This idea about being carful with the anti salmon farm crusaders has been mentioned on this forum long ago on a few occasions. And the idea that activists may turn the tables on sport fishers is looking like a reality now. And the idea that the precautionary principle should be applied to salmon farms can be easily applied to sport fishing on the Orca food issue. I would urge people to look past what the activist consistently cherry pick and really look hard at the situation. Why is alaska suffering the same issues with their spring salmon? Why is the skeena and nass system suffering such pour returns at the same time as our areas? There are no salmon farms in these areas so why?

OFF COURSE by my posting I have opened the flood gates to the standard response from the usual "concerned citizens"(3 or 4) of them with their comments on lice infestations disease, crap on the bottom and those fellas are welcome to their opinions however those comments don't promote rational discussion and don't honestly reflect the reality of the situation.
Watched 3/4's of this yesterday and it was very good. I was going to finish watching it today but it's saying it's private and am unable to watch it...

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