sockeyefry, you wrote:
quote:Originally posted by
I case you didn't notice. Neil Fraser is a GEOLOGIST, which means his writing about farms is only his OPINION.
Yep - it's his opinion, all right (just like yours) - A well informed opinion that is frequently backed-up with references and logic - which is in stark comparison to your arguments so far. Your posts - which seem to concentrate on pointing-out lice are on other species of fish - irrespective of looking at relative amounts, timing or effects.
So what if Neil is one of those dreaded GEOLOGISTS?
You know I'm not a fireman, either. But if my house is on fire - I will put it out - if I can. However, firemen are often the best arsonists, though - just like DFO.
What's your point? Some trained as a geologist can't understand science - or maybe it's just they can't understand you?
You also write:
if the lice from the Wild source infect the farm fish, are they not also the cause or contribution to the wild lice as well?[/i]
So what? So what if farmed fish get lice from the wild, originally?
It's the magnification and release of that lice back onto the extremely small outmigrating wild juvenile salmon in the spring that is the problem. Did you not read Nerka's rational and simple explanation (that is backed with reams of peer-reviewed science and data):
"It is the first few months of pink and chum marine residence that is of concern. No one is arguing that lice are not brought into the nearshore marine environment with returning adults, this is how sea lice are naturally transmitted from one generation to the next. But this occurs in mid to late summer (i.e. June-July-Aug) and is also when farmed fish would first become infected. It is the subsequent transmission of lice from farmed salmon to wild pinks and chums in the spring (i.e. April and May) when these fish are without scales and undergoing a major physiological transition (i.e. smoltification) that is of concern. There is no place else in the north Pacific where pink and chum fry are infected with lice in any appreciable amount (e.g. > 5%) prevalence) during this critical period, except for the Broughton.[/i]
Did you not go through the numbers from my last post - where I tried to apportion-out relative amounts of yearly lice contributions from sources in the Broughton? I spent some time using the available science to do this. Why hasn't DFO done this already?
In this post - in the spring where the smolts are coming out of their creeks - the farmed amounts would be very nearly 100%.
I'd also suggest that you read:
1/ Transmission dynamics of parasitic sea lice from farm to wild salmon. Martin Krkos¡ek, Mark A. Lewis and John P. Volpe. Proc. R. Soc. B (2005) 272, 689–696.
Marine salmon farming has been correlated with parasitic sea lice infestations and concurrent declines of wild salmonids. Here, we report a quantitative analysis of how a single salmon farm altered the natural transmission dynamics of sea lice to juvenile Pacific salmon. We studied infections of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi ) on juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) as they passed an isolated salmon farm during their seaward migration down two long and narrow corridors. Our calculations suggest the infection pressure imposed by the farm was four orders of magnitude greater than ambient levels, resulting in a maximum infection pressure near the farmthat was 73 times greater than ambient levels and exceeded ambient levels for 30 km along the two wild salmon migration corridors. The farm-produced cohort of lice parasitizing the wild juvenile hosts reached reproductive maturity and produced a second generation of lice that re-infected the juvenile salmon. This raises the infection pressure from the farm by an additional order of magnitude, with a composite infection pressure that exceeds ambient levels for 75 km of the two migration routes. Amplified sea lice infestations due to salmon farms are a potential limiting factor to wild salmonid conservation.
2/ Epizootics of wild fish induced by farm fish. Martin Krkos¡ek*†, Mark A. Lewis*, Alexandra Morton‡, L. Neil Frazer§, and John P. Volpe
The continuing decline of ocean fisheries and rise of global fish consumption has driven aquaculture growth by 10% annually over the last decade. The association of fish farms with disease emergence in sympatric wild fish stocks remains one of the most controversial and unresolved threats aquaculture poses to coastal ecosystems and fisheries. We report a comprehensive analysis of the spread and impact of farm-origin parasites on the survival of wild fish populations. We mathematically coupled extensive data sets of native parasitic sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) transmission and pathogenicity on migratory wild juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon. Farm-origin lice induced 9–95% mortality in several sympatric wild juvenile pink and chum salmon populations. The epizootics arise through a mechanism that is new to our understanding of emerging infectious diseases: fish farms undermine a functional role of host migration in protecting juvenile hosts from parasites associated with adult hosts. Although the migratory life cycles of Pacific salmon naturally separate adults from juveniles, fish farms provide L. salmonis novel access to juvenile hosts, in this case raising infection rates for at least the first _2.5 months of the salmon’s marine life (_80 km of the migration route). Spatial segregation between juveniles and adults is common among temperate marine fishes, and as aquaculture continues its rapid growth, this disease mechanism may challenge the sustainability of coastal ecosystems and economies.
3/ Effects of host migration, diversity and aquaculture on sea lice threats eats to Pacific salmon populations. Martin Krkosek, Allen Gottesfeld, Bart Proctor, Dave Rolston , Charmaine Carr-Harris and Mark A. Lewis.
Animal migrations can affect disease dynamics. One consequence of migration ration common to marine fish and inverertebrates is migratory allopatry — a period of spatial separation between adult and juvenile hosts, which is caused by host migration ration and which prevents parasite transmission from adult to juvenile hosts. We studied this character characteristic for sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi ) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) from one of the Canada’s largest salmon stocks. Migratory allopatry protects juvenile salmon from L. salmonis for two to three months of early mar marine life (2–3% prevalence). In contrast, host dive diversity facilitates access for C. clemensi to juvenile salmon (8–20% prevalence) but infections appear ephemeral. Aquaculture can augment host abundance and dive diversity and increase parasite exposure of wild juvenile fish. An empirically parametrized model shows w high sensitivity of salmon populations to increased L. salmonis exposure, predicting population collapse at one to five motile L. salmonis per juvenile pink salmon. These results character characterize parasite threats of salmon aquaculture to wild salmon populations and show how host migration and diversity are important factor actors affecting parasite transmission in the oceans.
The science is in, sockeyefry. It is apparently too unflattering for the pro-industry types to read. They'd rather keep selling doubt to the public. It's what the PR firms get hired to do. It so reminds one of the global warming argument - or the tobacco companies responses 2 decades ago.
Don't forget - It's the industry's responsibility to ensure they are not having an impact, and then to prove it.
What are you really afraid of, sockeyfry - the truth?