Fish farm news ??

quote:Originally posted by reelfast

actually charlie, what happened on our side of the border may have a lesson or two for our friends north of the border.

greed on the part of the commercial fishery, indifference and disorganization on the part of the sport fishing folks and an indian group who played this game with expertise. while no one i know down this way would argue with the abomonation called the steven's treaties, everyone just 'assumed' that fishing would continue on as it had since the first contact occurred.

big mistake! our fisheries are now controlled by a process of co-managers, put in place by the boldt decision. unfortunately, that is not quite what happens. folks are so afraid of 'upsetting' the indian co-managers, the only thing WDFW is willing to do is put proposals on the table that they know will be accepted. science, fisheries management, all total bunk at this point.

so folks north of the border, pay close attention to how this is unfolding and who is going to hold the pat poker hand at the end of all of this. with greed the name of the commercial game and disorganization the description of the sport community, your turn may be coming up next.

p.s. boldt never was never appealed to the ninth circuit and i really doubt it was ever reviewed by the supremes. it stands as written and that is enough to have totally shifted the barganing parties to a one sided dictation of what will happen. wake up canada.

Yes thank you,, this is exactly the type of thing I am talking about.. It may seem as insignificant now but just be aware of the implications it can bring..

B.C. has slapped a moratorium on issuing new finfish aquaculture licences and won't accept new applications for shellfish aquaculture, the province announced Thursday.

The move follows a court decision on Tuesday in which the B.C. Supreme Court granted an extension to the transfer deadline for finfish aquaculture to federal regulation until Dec. 18, 2010. As part of this extension, the court ordered a suspension on approvals of all new marine finfish licenses in B.C.

"In addition, the province is also announcing it will no longer be accepting new applications for shellfish aquaculture licenses and will only process those applications received prior to Jan. 26, 2010," the provincial government announced in a press release today.

"Furthermore, the province has announced its intention to negotiate the transfer of shellfish aquaculture regulation to the federal government