First Smallmouth Bass

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I haven't posted a topic in this forum for quite sometime. But now that I'm back I'd like to share my experience catching a few Smallmouth Bass on a fly rod.

I went float tube fly fishing at Kemp Lake, Sooke on August 8th around 7:30 p.m. and fished till 10:00 p.m.. The first hour of fishing was trying to figure out what type of fish were in the lake and how to catch em'. I tried trolling with an intermediate sinking tip line and the fly was a micro beadhead black with red sparkle leech. I saw several fish rising causing a ring on the lake wherein I'd slowly troll the fly. During that first hour I had no luck at all.

I finally decided to cast the fly at the rings caused by the rising fish. I slowly stripped the line back and after 5 pulls WHAM! FISH ON <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> ! After a short tug of war and a few jumps I finally landed my first Smallmouth Bass <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> . I took a quick photo and gently released her back into the lake. The bass wasn't that big approx. 1 pd. I repeated the same process of casting beside the rings and for the next hour and half I was rewarded with a total of 15 Smallmouth Bass. The largest bass weighing approx. 2 pds.

I'll never forget this experience considering it was the first time I finally caught a bass, plus 14 more bass, and using a fly rod <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> .

Edited by - Steelrainbow on 09/06/2004 03:02:31
I have read that leeches work well with bass. I haven't tried fly fishing for bass yet but am going to give it a whirl soon. I have been fishing Thetis with some farely good results, it's a nice lake. I nailed a 3 lb bass there on Sunday, she is still swimming awaiting the next hook.
I used to fish a lot out of my float tube but now fish from a 10' aluminum flat bottom under oar power.
I will have to venture out of Colwood and head out to Sooke and give it a shot at Kemp, it sounds like you had a great day. I will look up the flys you were using and tie them.

"A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work"