filleting tuna

scott craven

Well-Known Member
We were given an Albacore (tuna frozen in the round) looks to be
about 14-15 lbs.
I've never cleaned or filleted one before... do you attack it
like a salmon ? [?]
Thanks for any info !
my aunt told me last night that ya gotta pull out the veins before eating. just going on what i`ve bin told. scottyboy
Craven take it down to the FISH STORE or call them 383-6424 beside barbs fish and chips ask them if they can do it for you the have a loining machine in there I personally have never done it but watched them on that machine pretty cool.

Good luck Wolf
I agree with the half frozen comment. This is how I was told to do it by a commercial tuna fisher and it works well. I saw one done that was completely thawed out and it was an ugly gooey, oily mess.

I cut them down the lateral line and along the spine. Peel off the filets and DO cut off all the non-white flesh. Tear the skin off going with the grain of the meat, it comes off real easy.

The bits left over that you don't eat? You will not find better bait for your crab traps. [8D]

I have served BBQ'd tuna to large gatherings in my yard many times. They go absolutley ape**** for it. It's very tasty. I marinade it in oyster sauce for a few minutes before cooking.