Fed Up With "Big Coast' Yet?....

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I think all of those shows are just a bunch of advertisements for the company that pay there wages. I think big coast is nice because they don't go on and on about the exact brand of swivels they use. But I admit that I would like them to be more specific on there locations and also time of year. I think big coast is one of the better ones right now but it seems like all of these shows make about 10 episodes and replay them for the next 2 years over and over!!! My favor show right now is WICKER TUNA on national geographic awesome!
Bring back Hank and Italo , the fishing fruit cakes .
"Gee Henry look at the pretty colours on this fish". "Yes Italo it sure is beautiful." "Henry get the glove" Back then there you had to suffer through it as there weren't that many shows to choose from. I was glad when they got busted for fishing out of season. Talk about dumb, record yourselves poaching.
I haven't seen the Shelly &Courtenay show listed for some time.....it was a locally produced show......if I remember they were from up around Campbell River way........
Two gals that went fishing......

If you want some good laughs watch the Shaw=produced island show..."Two Men and Their Fishing Rods".... I believe it is called or something close to that..........they are so bad at fishing it's hilarious...

IMO some of the Great lakes fishing shows are pretty good......in terms of what and where they are fishing, techniques, tackle etc etc....
You come away from the show feeling that you learned something about fishing there.....

If the show has Scotty Bowman in it....it will be pretty good......

"Hookin' Up" with Mariko Izumi..........(daughter of Bob Izumi...who also has his own show).......entertaining all right...thats' for sure......

MarK Pendlington.......pretty good shows........again you come away having learned something

Gary Cooper......love him or hate him, at least he takes the time to show and explain tackle......even if he does have a penchant for fishing at Queen Charlotte Lodge a bit too much....I'll watch his shows even if they are dated and I've seen them 5 times before.....

Nice Fish Senior.....spin-off about two really old guys who fish and bicker...this show is a fishing trainwreck.....

Nice Fish Junior.......Dylan's a really lucky kid I gotta say........he's had more saltwater experience than many guys 3 times his age.......good show for budding junior fishers.....
I think big coast is nice because they don't go on and on about the exact brand of swivels they use. But I admit that I would like them to be more specific on there locations and also time of year. I think big coast is one of the better ones right now but it seems like all of these shows make about 10 episodes and replay them for the next 2 years over and over!!! !

Ya.....I agree, the reason I enjoy Big Coast is I can just sit back and watch some fishing. Sure there are plugs for Eaglecraft and Islander but I don't find anywhere the number of plugs you see on other shows. I don't need to know exact coordinates, what specific lure they are using as we all know one lure/set up can work one day and then be quiet the next. Heck....we were out off Tofino 2 summers ago and couldn't get ANYTHING to bite except on 2 old tomic plugs which provided a lot of excitement....FishTofino buzzed us and asked what we were using....he was getting nothing on plugs but was using bait or big spoons and doing as well as we were.

I enjoy the scenery and cinematography of Big Coast and despite the guys are traditionally "snow" movie guys I think they do a pretty good job. I do like Pendlington....but sometimes his voice gets to me....hahaha.

Don't even get me started on the twats from back east where every second word of Italo's mouth is Rapala......or you've got Cronzy who sits atop the twat pile.

The guys on Big Coast don't sell themselves as "experts".....they are just guys who like to get out and fish; lucky for them they can make a living doing it!!! I find the show a nice change from a lot of the usual non-stop talk about gear/techniques. I recall one episode when they were out offshore of Winter Harbour.....they plugged a "Canuck" hoochie they were using and referenced they were fishing DEEP....that's all I need to know to enjoy some footage of a couple guys enjoying an awesome day offshore. It's very much like when I fish....I am not plugging what is coming out of my box and heading down below the surface, we just wait for the bite while having some fun doing it.
IMO Mike Mitchell's show is the best going right now.....

A show totally about fishing that is informative, with lots of helpful information, great scenery shots and camaradie....

Sure...it has sponsors too.......as do they all......but at least they don't ram the products down your throat visually........
Some folks reeeeally need to get out of the lazy boy and get out on the water. Just sayin' LOL!!!:D.
I like big coast they are the only show that shows the fish hit. I could watch a show that did nothing but show rod tips for half an hour with 4-5 fish bites per episode. Love watching rod tips!

You can't learn too much from big coast - true but the same can be said for most shows. Maybe you get some ideas and its nice to pick up a tip or two but my learning is done on the water not the couch.
IMO this is one of the best shows out there for fisherman. I hate guys talking about BS gear just trying to make a buck or dumbing down fishing to the point actual fisherman cant watch it. Big coast actually shows the coastal experience, they don't ramble on about 30 lb mono, how to lower a down rigger or some generic spoon.

PS maybe their Tuna Derby episode will be more exciting!
IMO this is one of the best shows out there for fisherman. I hate guys talking about BS gear just trying to make a buck or dumbing down fishing to the point actual fisherman cant watch it. Big coast actually shows the coastal experience, they don't ramble on about 30 lb mono, how to lower a down rigger or some generic spoon.

Yup.....I agree with you Kelly.
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