Favourite Plugs

I like the idea of running plugs, spoons , and other non-flasher activated stuff much farther back to avoid tangles. But why would this work better on the top than on the bottom?
If you aren't making a lot of big turns, it probably doesn't matter if the plugs on top or on the bottom while stacking. I think if you are turning around to troll the opposite direction, the inside plug will lose speed and tend to come up and the flasher above it will slow down and tend to sink some. One coming up and the other going down might lead to more tangles. Just my thoughts.
Yup... I think you're right! But only if you're pulling plugs. A spoon would sink faster than a flasher and could go on the bottom. I guess if you wanna pull plugs on the bottom then you better have more distance in between! Say... 30' instead of 20'! What distance to you normally have in between lines stacked on the same rigger?

If I'm trying to keep both in the same general vicinity depth wise I'll go 15'-20'. Where I fish, the popular depths tend to be 60' and 90' so I stack 30' apart. I think about 15' is probably close to the minimum safe distance apart.
There is no logical reason why I run plugs on the bottom other than that is where I first put one and have continued to have good success doing it that way. The plug is usually the largest bait I use (6 & 7 inch)and it is very active in the water. I must admit that I seldom fish more than 90 foot deep. Most of the time I am running the plug around 60 to 70 foot. I try to keep a spread of 20 to 30 foot on the plug side. I also put quite a bit of line out behind the downrigger. I don't seem to have any trouble with tangles between the upper and lower lines. Of course, I try not to make real sharp turns. Sharp turns and fast currents can be a real pain.
Eaglemaniac - I went to the TOMIC website and didn't see a 493 UV plug. Is this a brand new plug or what? Where did you buy it from? I also have a question about the TOMIC numbering sequence. Have they ever changed the numbers on the plugs? The reason I ask is because a guy wants to sell me a plug that he claims is a 223 but when I go to the chart it is, in no way, a 223 plug. Anybody know?

Also, everyone always says 6" OR 7" plugs in the summer, 5" or less for feeders, match the hatch...etc etc. BUT what is REALLY the preference here, 6" or 7"???? I am thinking of applications for WCVI, say out of Bamfield, Renfrew, or Nootka. I tend to lean toward the 6" size, cuz I just look at those 7" plugs and think to myself...damn thats a big plug. I know its not that big to a fish because I have seen 12 inch salmon chase a 6 inch plug. I just think that you might be making some of those 15 to 20 lb springs think twice about hitting a 7"....Any thoughts???
Big Plugs are good off WCVI when there are a lot of Sardines around and when the Mackarel are a bother.

Below see my fave a #900 in 6"
Hey Cornfed: Yes this is a new plug from Tomic. I had read about it in the BC. Outdoors a few months ago and picked mine up at Tyee Marine in Courtenay. I have also seen it at Gone Fishin in Courtenay. They could have it at there other stores. It's a very interesting plug for sure, but sometimes they just catch the fisherman but not the fish. But I have a good feeling about this one.;) eman
quote:Originally posted by eaglemaniac

I have recently picked up a 493 uv plaid from tomic. When I look at it I get a flashback.:) I'm still not up to speed on this UV thing, but if your down deep it just might help. eman


Any chance you could post a photo of this plug since it's not on the Tomic site??

Hey Slabby20: Here's that plug picture you requested. Sorry it's so small, but I'm still working on my photobucket skills. The plug refracts colours very well. It's quite similar to the mylars that they are putting on flashers these days. It seems to be inserted into the body of the plug. I assume the plug and the paint are of uv materials. I fish very deep at the hump off Kitty Coleman so I thought a uv plug with the added random colour refractions could be concieved as a squid. I have yet to try it myself but will pinch the barb;)and give it a try soon. eman
Cool Plug... I should email Catharine at Tomic and order a few!.. love plugs!!

Thanks Eaglemaniac,

I agree, cool looking plug. Not if if it will catch fish but it will catch me. I'll order a couple and give it a shot.

Slabby ><))))">
What the heck, if they don't work we can always hang them on our xmas trees. Right beside our Fire Fish lures[:0][:I][B)]:D eman
quote:Originally posted by Poppa Swiss
Offshore fish are different. They're extremely aggressive and not necessarily in a "hurry" in the fashion that inshore migrating fish are. The erratic action and covering area are keys.

You can do it inshore too...4.0 MPH is a bit unnecessary..but it's FUN to fish around other guys while you use plugs...and hauling out fish after fish after fish while their 'Chovies get sweet f*** all. Try it sometime! I can remember many such days...one such day on the wall at Bamfield. Right plug, Right Speed. Our boat: 6 big springs in 1 hour. The fleet of 50 boats.....a couple of Cohoes, and 1 spring.

Plugs can be highly effective...particularly with the right colour and right conditions!

Speed can make a big difference regardless of what you're using. We've had several days in Barkley where we slayed trolling Coyotes at 3+ MPH. We were lapping everybody and outfishing the fleet 3 to 1.
That is a cool looking plug eman. I wonder though. Some lures are just meant to attract like spoons. They don't really look like food, just an attractant. Plugs are actually supposed to look like food are they not? Don't you want one that sparkles like herring or anchovie, enough to attract and then actually swim and look like food?

I always want to fish with plugs but my fishing partner (wife) thinks I'm out of my tree. It is desperate times when I fish with a plug. I've never had much luck with them. I'll look at the patterns you all suggested and see if my box has anything right and pick some up if not.

Is it important to have the rubber bands over the line to hold it on top of the plug? I saw that somewhere and never saw the benefit.

Thanks Eman. I looked at the patterns and I have several of them, even some that were mentioned in this post at reliable. I'll try it some more.

Going out to local Vancouver chuck this weekend, looks like I have to use Anchovies.
