Fav fishing tunes

Common Sculps.... That song is soo page 75.... Where ya been?.. Out for rip? :D
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You should have this Jeffy... (a repost cause I found this remas. version that came out in Oct...sounds good)

[7zrtbG4ZJrE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zrtbG4ZJrE
Cranker up! :cool: Love the syth/organ in the beginning

[dqM5L5JQseI] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqM5L5JQseI

Oh Wow... this was the very first LP I ever bought. 1976 I shoveled snow from drive ways until I had enough to buy it. I believe this album started off the "Air Guitar" craze ...it did for me anyway, lol. Still a stellar album. Thanks fish stalker. Oooh the memories... Smoke On The Water was prob the first tune everyone learned to play on the guitar.
You were a few years late getting into that one F.W.,
I bought it when it was released in 1972. ;)
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now were going back..being ten was great, this was my second album..[eMxfv7quT0I] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMxfv7quT0I&feature=share&list=PLE69D62C4F0EEAFE8&index=1
I'll take it back farther jeffy...

[VUjUIP2ugG4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUjUIP2ugG4

RIP Dio...