Fav fishing tunes

Great song that's probably been posted before.......we don't care.

[zTDOaMXXkZw] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTDOaMXXkZw&feature=share&list=PLDD06214E01114C9C
It all started in Spain..........

[-6ORMYf449Q] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6ORMYf449Q&feature=share&list=PLDD06214E01114C9C
The truth comes out. Time will tell with our concerns.........

[EljkIvHAfWc] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EljkIvHAfWc&feature=share&list=PLDD06214E01114C9C
[T5Xl0Qry-hA] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Xl0Qry-hA
Courtesy of Floony

[m2P7WMEUkuo] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2P7WMEUkuo
[1qkNsyeQrgY] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qkNsyeQrgY
[e1zvhJRIM7M] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1zvhJRIM7M
While rustling through my Whitaker the other night, I stumbled upon this gem........

[IaHxPi9dM7o] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaHxPi9dM7o
[F-glHAzXi_M] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-glHAzXi_M
[0S13mP_pfEc] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S13mP_pfEc
Trade Secret.
It started way back when Kid Rock came out with his “Devil Without A Cause” CD, we were fishing Robber’s Pass in the P.A. Salmon Derby.
We had the tune “Cowboy” cranked to the nutz (over & over), with a 300W bass driver thumping away. About 75 – 80 other boats jockeying for the shoreline tack, literally touching rod tips.
We caught and boated a 28#, a 32# and a 33# and lost 4 other hawgs.
During this time we saw one hawg boated and one other fish on then lost amongst the fleet.
It was quite obvious that we were stealing fish that were following other boats as we trolled by with the song “Cowboy” thumping thru the hull.
I’ve tested this a few times since, on other boats, and there is something to be said about thumping thru the fleet. Although it’s somewhat intrusive when you have your tunes cranked at 5:30 am and you’re fishing in a crowd. You receive a lot of dirty looks and a few guys standing with their arms in the air as if to say “WTF?” Later on you hear “…could hear the S.O.B. in Poett Nook!” or guys are asking, “Was that you?”…
I was going to get right down to the science of it all, you know, attach ***** to the downy cables, put speakers against the hull, etc., etc., but, I have enough on my plate to start “inventing”.
Someone should look into sending some sort of pulse down their downrigger line somehow tho.
Just so’s ya know …it was always the song “Cowboy”. Was my fishin’ tune for a long time. Drove everyone crazy, including me, lol.
Trade Secret.
It started way back when Kid Rock came out with his “Devil Without A Cause” CD, we were fishing Robber’s Pass in the P.A. Salmon Derby.
We had the tune “Cowboy” cranked to the nutz (over & over), with a 300W bass driver thumping away. About 75 – 80 other boats jockeying for the shoreline tack, literally touching rod tips.
We caught and boated a 28#, a 32# and a 33# and lost 4 other hawgs.
During this time we saw one hawg boated and one other fish on then lost amongst the fleet.
It was quite obvious that we were stealing fish that were following other boats as we trolled by with the song “Cowboy” thumping thru the hull.
I’ve tested this a few times since, on other boats, and there is something to be said about thumping thru the fleet. Although it’s somewhat intrusive when you have your tunes cranked at 5:30 am and you’re fishing in a crowd. You receive a lot of dirty looks and a few guys standing with their arms in the air as if to say “WTF?” Later on you hear “…could hear the S.O.B. in Poett Nook!” or guys are asking, “Was that you?”…
I was going to get right down to the science of it all, you know, attach ***** to the downy cables, put speakers against the hull, etc., etc., but, I have enough on my plate to start “inventing”.
Someone should look into sending some sort of pulse down their downrigger line somehow tho.
Just so’s ya know …it was always the song “Cowboy”. Was my fishin’ tune for a long time. Drove everyone crazy, including me, lol.

Sadly....I must admit that when fishing in Kyuquot a few years ago and Demco was with us he kept playing "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus.:eek: When that song was on....we were always getting fish....it was disturbing way beyond the song itself.:p
[UER0kdrer00] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UER0kdrer00
Good freakin show jeffy

[hglVqACd1C8] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hglVqACd1C8