fav anchovey teaser heads

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what are your favs and why??? and different heads for west coast and times of year????
Purple/Black Chrome, Green/Chartruse Chrome, and Army Truck Chrome behind either red, green or purple haze 11in hot spot flasher with 40lb flourocarbon leader about 42-52 inches. Good Spring rig off the riggers.

As well behind a delta diver with either red, green, chartruse or ice blue Al's Fishflash or Kone Zone Flasher with 42-72in 40lb flourocarbon leader in the prop wash at 12-30pulls. Good for shallower running springs and all coho.

Just found them to my best performers June-Sept. Very good in Barkley Sound Waters both near and off shore.
Remember when all you could buy was green,red,and clear and we got tons of fish then the glows came out and we all got lots of fish too!!! Now all these clours have come out and I think they catch more fisherman than ever before even me LOL!!!!!!!!!
I still like the one with greens on it and the cromed ones.

I still like the clear heads, and I put a prism eye on them. I don't know if the eye does much, but it's just the false sense that it does. Other heads previously mentioned also do the trick for me.

Chartruse fish scale is another one that I like.

Glow! #1 choice.and I always add an eye.All bait fish have big eyes.
Hootchies always have big eyes
I buy the clear teaser heads....and put acouple red markings in a certain area everytime, and they outfish all of my chrome and glow teaser heads 3 fish to 1....and usually big springs over 30lbs.....

cheers steelyman
red turns to grey after about 30 feet deep in seawater so theres a pretty good chance thats not making a difference...

plain green glow is pretty tough to beat.
I agree with the post that said it's catching fishermen than anything else.

Anyone on here been in situations to TEST scientifically the results on a fish off for an extended period of time?

I do this often when I can...fishing 6 lines.

when have ur riggers set at 15 and 20 feet they're still red though arnt they?
Anchovie Special has the wide assortment of colors, but what about the Krippled Anchovie with the red pin? Does the Krippled unit provide as good of action, and allow the desired hesitation? Thanks. DAJ
The Krippled anchovy in chartreuse or clear and the glow with the red pin is my staple for anchovy teaser heads, I use this almost exclusively and have good success with it.
I find the thicker construction of the plastic where you insert the toothpick for the desired bend in the bait stands up better and does not split so easily.

quote:Originally posted by totally tyee

I've never been a big fan of the eyes. I have no good reason. Maybe someone on he has a good argument to sell them on me?

No good arguement for.Years ago ,Ward @ Island outfitters made a point.He said bait fish have big eyes.I agreed.He says they use them on everything.So I started as well.I don't think it would hurt.
Lucky devils,We have a tough time finding anchovies,so we use the krippled herring holder.Any color as long as it has a little green.Just curious,anyone ever have any luck using the tiger prawn holder.
In the past 15 or so years I have caught countless springs on almost every colour and style. If I had to pick a few however, I would say chartreuse, green glow and the green/yellow chrome (this was the undisputed champ at Friendly Cove last August). A "secret weapon" is the krippled head in 232 glow which has been a slayer in the Canal for big pigs.