Face to face with a cougar Dec 22

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shake a paw

About 4:45 pm last night, I was walking to my vehicle from an unsuccessful night bite, I have a little dog who I was yelling for, and I walked right into a cougar on the Alberni side of the Sproat river logging road brigde. A very healthy cat. My dog was nose to nose sniffing...it was an unbelieveable situtation. Attention all steelheaders!! Beware....there is NO conservation officers around!!! Top of the Xmas list-----BIGGER KNIFE!! Fixed blade...Wowzas!!
wow! saw a cougar once running across Great Central Lake logging Rd about 25 or 30 years ago. Also, I heard Sproat Lake residents see cougars in their backyards too.
I find it very hard to believe a cougar and a dog were nose to nose sniffing each other,Srry but i call bs on that.
Had one on us just below the A-frame last dec. 24. The scary thing was it was only 8 feet away and the only thing that gave it away was it's tracks in the snow..
well sug..i guess you dont get out much.expect the unexpected.
ha ha very funny...i'm glad you find that amusing.next time i think of posting a heads up,i'll keep it to myself.if this is where you have to go to get entertainment,you must live a pretty boring life.or maybe you have me mixed up with one of your disney characters you were talkin about,maybe thats where you'll see your fury beast on green mountain back in nan. lakes......with the kittens....
Nope, not me. I thought it was you. :) If you took a look around you, you would notice that IronNoggin had posted a similar thread on FishBc the day before this post showed up.

Which just shows that Shake A Paws maybe just another kid trying to take pot shots at long-standing members of another forum.

Didn't this board used to have a moderator?
listen here pal... i come on this forum to give a little cheer and get a little cheer,and your just taking the fun right out of it.now if you cant do either,you can just **** right of.act your age!!!or are you?
sorry fellas.i'm not that person you think i am,taking shots at senior members.iron noggin who?i'm really sorry if this is gettin outa control,all i wanted to do was give a heads up to local fisherman.but when i do,senior members take shots at me.not that i care.but when forum members say i'm full of bs,and senior members turn it into a big joke.yah i'm gonna get my back up.so it is really sad to see someone in the forum who is supposed to be setting an example, clearly are not.its clear too see that everyone on this forum is pretty tight knit,but that does'nt give you the right to judge someone you dont even know.i'm goin fishin......toodles
yours truly shakes
I myself am glad you posted a report on cougars there will always be people who doubt your report! But don't let it discourage you maybe he just has nothing better to do than call BS on everyones reports! Its sad to see people like that! Thanks for the headsup! Even tho i'm on the LM Its good to read stuff like that! Some people just have no respect at all! I kno this is my first report on this site but this same sort of childish behavier happened to me on a different site after i myself posted a report1 There were name calling and what not! I guess some people never learn or grow up for that matter! My 2 cents! Thanks again for the report shake_a_paw! Glad to hear your dog was unharmed!:)

thanx for the support coho killer.not to sure what i had said wrong to get that kind of treatment,but oh well i'm gonna leave it at that.but i can understand how someone can get irritated when someone else is doin all the fishin.your in the lower mainland eh?where abouts?have you been fishin lately?i just got in from a full day on a local stream.got just one small one,but still an awsome day to be on the water.being in the lower mainland have you had the pleasure of fishing the mighty thompson?i have once,and came out with a 24 pounder,and 1 10 pounder.would love 2 go back sometime.thanx again coho killer.its time to tie up some leaders and get ready for another day on the water.shakes.
Hey there shake a paw i myself have only fly fished the tompson river for rainbows and used spinners with great success, but never have tryed for the mighty steelhead in there as of yet! I mostly fish the vedder an chehalis rivers faithfully! I used to live on the island and many years ago i fished the quinsam and oyster rivers for steelhead! In your report i seen nothing wrong on what ya said or reported but there will always be one person who has some smart a$$ remark to get a rise out of people! Remember this is the internet and theres no point getting all bothered on what others have to say when thay start stuff like what u just experienced! like i said i have that happen to me as well but now i just post maybe one 2 reports every once and a while because opf this type of behavier! Cheers bud!
killer!u have 2 fish the thompson.i was told u hav'nt felt steelhead power untill u have.the fish there are a little different.they have shoulders over there!any ways i'm just spinnin,grinnin,and pinnin my way to the river.not 2 sure where i'm goin yet.but will have a report later.tight lines 2 hard core fishermen[women].
Spinnin' Grinnin' and Pinnin'! I like that little phrase!

I had a cougar come at me one time out grechin creek, (just past elsie lake). I actually had to shoot it! I have a pic of it , Ill have to scan it, Ill try to post it. Anyway, I was pine mushroom picking and when I was crouched over, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and there she was coming at me. When she figured out that I was a human, it turned(at the last min.) , went about 20' away and stood on its haunches. I blasted it. Pitty for it!
Yup spin, grin & pin!! :-D
let go a beautie doe yesterday, she had to be 11-13 lbs. She was to pretty to lay the knife to. I HAD to put her back. She was a bar af chrome, there appeared to be a crowd of sportys off in the distance watching. I just tied up a bakers dozen worth of roe bags, have them soaking in the magic juice. Ready for another day on the river of screaming islander therapy :) Tips up :)
i fell a block out at grechin creek a few years back,the water sure looked nice.is there any good fishin up that far?