Ever Seen Sea Otters Around Ukee?

I think those were river otters we have a couple good pics of them on the dock at Island West while cruising out of the harbor. Speaking of neat animal pics we took a picture of a small wolf pack just past the junction. They have been howling a lot in Ukee lately for the last few weeks about 5 nights ago a wolf howling wowk my wife and I as the window was open and it was very close probably just off our patio. If you want to see a pic let me know and I will post a pic or 2 the wife got a few.
Id love to see the pictures!^

Neat to hear them howling. I didnt do much camping in Renfrew this year but past years you can hear them across the river howling at night, neat.

Also not so neat I took my mom out camping at Lizard Lake and after hearing odd noises and something very quite in the water and thinking of the two bears we had come across the week before just 1/2 km away, all of a sudden the freakiest sounds came snarling and snorting and freakin out up to our camp out of the water. My mom was in bed and my boyfriend had gone down to the dock trying to see what was in the water with the flashlight. I didnt have mine for some reason and had nothing to shine on them to see what it was but it was the crazyest sounds ive ever heard! from I could figure after that it must have been river otters. Tho Ive never seen any up there before.
Heartwarming to hear these critters are making a comeback after the Russian's nearly exterminated them a couple'a centuries back.
Weasles' have to be among the coolest of all the mammals - I have a soft spot for them as I used to breed Ferret's (actually I just watched) - and I've never witnessed any critter express more joyful raw-exuberance at play.

BTW: Sea Otters are the largest of the Mustilid's (Weasels) and big males can tip the scales over 100-lbs; that's about 40 or so more than a Wolverine.
Saw one between Beg and Chrow Islands once a few years back. Also a couple of times off Mara Rock. Pretty cool for sure when you do get to see them.
Saw lots of them when a fished up in Kyuquot Sound, less down in Esperanza Inlet. The locals in Kyuqot laughed at us the first time we went up there with our crab traps - they are high up on the sea otters menu apparently.
They apparently eventually eat all crabs shallower than 90 feet. I have seen one near the light house west of Port Renfrew. If they rebound near Port Renfrew the bay will be empty of crabs.