Ethanol Issues Getting Worse

Yes, pretty expensive stuff. I use it exclusively at the cabin in small engines that are used seasonally and it is really good. Everything starts and runs perfectly every spring.
I've been using Aspen fuel 2 and 4 in all my business tools. We use them sporadically, the extra gas cost is minor compared to the pitfalls of clogged carbs. Never sure when a tool might be needed, there's no obvious point where you say, time to winterize everything.
Ok I now have a plan for next winter. I'm going to buy a small 2 gallon portable fuel tank and fill it with the Aspen fuel...apparently Western Equipment here in Victoria has it says online. I'll change my spin on filters at seasons end in late October as normal but fill the new ones with Aspen. I'll install t-valves on both my fuel lines before the filters and have a short length of fuel line which is long enough to reach the cockpit floor. I'll install the portable fuel line fittings to those hoses. So after changing the filters and filling with Aspen I will close the t-valves to the tank and open to the portable tank. Through the winter when running the motors up to keep oil on the internal parts it will run on Aspen....once I start doing charter trips I just turn the valves and run off the boats tank.
Good plan, I'll do a modified version of it. I already have separate main and kicker tanks on a T valve, and a surplus 3 gallon tank sitting in the shop. Put some Aspen 4 in that, run it through the kicker (main is DFI). I've been doing ok with fuel stabilizer, but synthetic in the carbs and filters is better again.