Environmental Conditions: Informing Salmon Returns in 2020

This is the study.


From Page 39

“There are two major environmental crises facing the planet, climate change and catastrophic losses to nature” (CPAWS 2019).A number of global reports are alerting us toaccelerating climatechangeand biodiversity losses on the planet (IPCC 2014, 2018, IPBES 2018, 2019). These warnings have been strongly echoed for Canada(WWF 2017, Bush and Lemmen 2019, CPAWS 2019). Climate change impacts may be particularly acute in Canada, since rates of warming atnorthern latitudesare double the global average(IPCC 2014, Bush and Lemmen 2019).
Thanks for the information, DFO fails to respect what non native harvesters are contributing, by not declaring them as partners in conservation along with the mentioned native groups.

I also feel that the label of sport fishers or recreational fishers softens our culture, and is used against our cause. It is wise to remember our cultural and traditional connection with the land and sea, and tell this story to the general public. Continue the dedicated fight on closures, allotments, etc, but identify us in a more contemporary light. Commercial harvesters too.
Let’s re brand, suggestions??

It would identify our group, and tell what we do.