...enough b_tchin' - fly versus gear /how 'bout...

  • Thread starter Thread starter RVP
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...so what we all really need to focus in on during this coming year is our angling futures - rather than the standard argument of fly versus gear, sled this, ban that, bait or not to bait, flossing, sporting or harvest...kill, release - open or close[closed].

Pathetic statements by either vision in the public domain is not of any good or helpful to the fishing fraternity what so ever. This kind of yip yap that has been voiced by the minority is counter productive and very damaging to the sport of angling. Targeting user groups in the public media and done so, that it is slanted in such away that the view or proposal will benifit only that speaker [or a similar minority] is in fact such a negative impact statement that it may as a resault hurt the actual overal opportunity attached.

It is time to form a more, well rounded group that will help develop the ground work and building blocks nessisary to develop a union between angling groups...a group that is very well rounded in age, experience, individual, business, Gov't...a basis for directed, controlled input styled decision making in relation to help better our opportunities as part of the Angling Public and as stewarts of our resource - above all, with a fish first and people second policy in play...

Now, my final statement is - focus on building our future, bring a kid fishing...teach them to become the stewarts of our future. Give them, what was given to you - Opportunity to angle! make it easy, fun and informative...share!

well said, let me be the first to elect you are spokesperson, ;),some of the bickering on here has been stupid to say the least, but once again it only takes one or two bad apples to spoil the bunch, if we fight amongst ourselves imagine how easy it is for govt, and enviro good doer's to make us look bad and get things passed under our noses
I understand and applaud the sentiment, but I'm not sure how to enact it within the current political/economic landscape....

The only thing that appears to register on the politicians radar is noisy lobby groups or visable economic drivers. I'm not aware of much in the way of an active sport fishing lobby presence in the province other than the Wilderness Tourism Association which is not that large of a lobby group.... Always felt that BC could use a better funded more active sport fishing association to try to balance the commercial focus and provide fisheries with more input as to what's important to the population at large and to try to drive more press coverage on the issues....

Are there any visable active associations out there???

Why not take a portion of each sport fishing licence fee to support a public sport fishing alliance to drive better education on conservation and act as an input gathering mechanism... government is usually willing to listen to large groups, I think the problem is that the BC sport fishermen are not acting as a group just as many individuals will carries very little political wieght...
Do the Guides or Charter Boat Operators not maintain an Association?
Usually, likeminded collections of people come togethor for specific, short term purposes, then fade away quickly, whether successful or not.
The politicians and/or fisheries dept people are more likely to pay heed when confronted with a bloc that represents a constituency that can claim to be generators of significant wealth or jobs.
To my mind, Sport Fishing Alliance (is that Otway's group?)and the other fishing promotion/conservation groups out there are not that effective because they lack the funding and economic clout.
The guides, lodges etc. that are directly involved in hosting - and hence make their living that way, should be more active as a group. Similarily the fishing product retailers and manufacturers should, through their own Association, be an active voice promoting stock enhancement and maximum fishing opportunities. After all, if the sport fishery goes down, they lose their sales and livelihood.

Just my two loonies of opinion.

Tight lines...
All very valid points but it starts at the grass roots, us the sporties. The constant slagging and bs amongst us has to stop and I applause TT and ME for the clean up on this forum. We as Sporties have to help each other and lose some of the old school mentality. Somebody has to grab the bull by the horns and get the masses (guide associations and District Fish and Game clubs and retailers) to form an alliance that will be heard, provinicaly and federaly or else developments like Carols post will happen http://www.sportfishingbc.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5928 which will affect the future and federally BC sporties can be heard and have some input. A larger group has to be formed as previously stated but who will be the chosen one to take on this huge endevour. This is a time when all resources will have to be used to complete a task of this magnitude.
I for one would be willing to contribute funds to support this cause, seperate from the licence.
Well said Talon.
My point was that we "sporties" are just too fractional and prone to internal bickering, without a full time commitment to the fishery - we all have jobs, families and other interests.
Most of us are part timers at best.

Perhaps it's time for a Vancouver Island regional "congress" (or other region) for example, of interested parties to emerge: marine trades, guides and charter boat operators, lodge owners, marina operators, tourism operators (eg, all the motels in Port Alberni, Campbell River, and Port Hardy), fishing clubs and associations and private individuals.
And it should not be restricted to salt water fishers only.

Many issues need to be improved upon, from the allocation of catch between the commercial and sports fleets, access for residents and non-resident boaters (thinking of the disappearing launch ramps - see Carol's latest posts and last years posts on Sooke ramp closure), improvements to spawning streams (I say improvements because the forestry companies and developers have pillaged many areas), access over forest company roads to lakes, etc.

RVP started this thread with a good thought:
"It is time to form a more, well rounded group that will help develop the ground work and building blocks nessisary to develop a union between angling groups...a group that is very well rounded in age, experience, individual, business, Gov't...a basis for directed, controlled input styled decision making in relation to help better our opportunities as part of the Angling Public and as stewarts of our resource - above all, with a fish first and people second policy in play..."

But, I think it should be people (fisher's - commercial and sports) first. Then the needs of the fishery can be addressed. We are all exploiting a 'public' resource. We need the voice of the public, unified.

But how to do that, who (or what) is to take the first steps, where are the Haig Brown's of yesteryear?
I agree 100% TIME, but NOW is when we need the very experienced (not old) sporties to provide some direction and suggestions so that our kids can experience what we have enjoyed for years. RVP, thanks for starting a very valuable and much needed thread, but will it stop at this forum or will a BC Fishing Alliance be formed so our voices will be heard?
Well said Robbie, i for one have had enough of the fly verse gear debate it shouldnt be an issue at all but it is.....the fly guys and some self rightous dicks keep pushing for less and less chance for the gear angler.Are the drift fisher federation guys still around??We need them back too help us or lets form a new group.I'll gladly help out and know tons of anglers both gear and fly who would too!
Anyone know about changes too upper cowie,i heard they want the entire upper river fly only now....and why is this??
This is a real refreshing topic to say the least. We sporties have to somehow get a big loud voice and let Joe public know what's happening to our rivers and estuaries because of this insane 24-7 logging that's going on is doing major damage, For example, take a drive up Copper Canyon near Chemainus and you won't believe the logging devastation in there, right down to the Chemainus River, mud slides everywhere, is there no rules anymore, is the fox really looking after the chicken coop, and I heard soon fisherman and hunters or anybody for that matter won't be be allowed into OUR back country because our government is selling OUR crown land to logging companies (mostly foreign) for political considerations and big dollars. ya, we have to get organized and pull or yell together.
WANTED - financially independent retiree with a passion for fishing, strong written and oral communication skills, and lot's of spare time to spearhead a BC Sportfishermans Alliance. Should be open minded, with strong organization skills and be willing to work with a diverse section of BC's fishing community.

Step 1 declare your interest in the position

Step 2 create a mission statement and core set of first year objectives and tactics to achieve those objectives

Step 3 form a not-for-profit society to house the organization and solicit volunteers to hold required Board positions

Step 4 solicite membership and a small annual membership fee (via exisitng BC sport fishing web sites and tackle stores) to fund advertising and operating expenses to tackle stated objectives

Primary year one objective to build a large enough membership to be heard. Potential secondary year one objectives 1) Rockfish conservation area education 2) Online poll of top ten sportfishing issues 3) Economic value assessment of commercial vs sport fishing industries in BC (objective being to support rebalancing of commercial and recreational quota's) 4) Drive province to assess First Nations fisheries impact analysis 5) Build contacts/relationships with DFO and local government officials with the objective being to find internal support champions 6) ??????

My $25 is in an envelope and ready to go to anyone with the time, skills and plan to give it a go.