Empty seat in Vancouver area?

fishin solo

Well-Known Member
Hey guys if anybody's got a empty seat they wanna fill let me know. Looks like no boat this season for me. I have all my own gear and forsure willing to pitch in on the expenses of course.

Thanks Chuck

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Cool. I usually have a seat free. Typically fish early although afternoons aren't unheard of. Im in richmond and launch out of mac beach. PM me ur number and I'll msg whenever I have a seat. Name is DJ btw
Hey Chuck,
I may have one from time to tiime
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no worries, that job is strictly reserved for you:p
Hey Chuck be careful with this guy he may from time to time have you squeegiing his windows.... ;)
Hey FS,

I live in langely as well and have empty seats occasionally as well...will send you a PM when it may work.
Always looking for someone that knows how to work the gear.