Elk Lake


Well-Known Member
For anyone interested, I fished there yesterday. My brother and I bonked three fish, two were about 18 or 19 inches and 2.5 lbs, one was about 15 inches. We long line released some others of similar size. There is a heavy algae bloom happening, the lake smells like algae and the fish had a hint of algae to their flavour. Certainly not the best fish I have eaten from there, but still edible none the less. I will leave the bonker at home until fall now. ;)

No fish were rising, lots of chironomids hatching. All the fish were taken on leeches, colour didn't matter. Red, green, maroon and black worked.

Only one ski boat (who was respectful of other users) and a couple of rowers who were also respectful except for one person from the rowing club who cut way too close across my stern in a 12 foot tinner with a 9.9 on and was completely oblivious to there error. Good job we had fast sinking fly lines out there. 10 years ago I would have been standing up yelling and flipping them the bird, I am mellowing in my old age. LOL
Sounds like you had a good day on Elk Lake. From my understanding, Elk lake is part of Urban lake with lots of people coming everyday.

Buoys placed in Elk Lake is a good idea for people's safety.

I had a few close calls with rowers, especially my old friend had his raphala lure stuck on rower's boat after casting while rowers were rowing at high speed. On most days, we didn't have problems with rowers and boaters.

I hate big wakes while fishing.
It's a busy place for sure and I've had a number of close calls with rowers and large power boats. I am amazed that to date nobody has been seriously injured with all the activity there. Just a matter of time me thinks. Time will tell.