Elk Lake 2012


New Member
Hey Guys!

New to the forum, did a search about Elk lake and hasnt really been updated in a while. I went there this afternoon and tried a few spots from shore as I dont have a boat. I tried a few different methods in search of trout.

What can you guys suggest when fishing from shore? Any good spots? Depths? Bait etc.

Today I used a number 8 hook with Orange power bait, about 5 foot leader, a few weights and a bobber. Was casting from the rowing docks about 25ft out.

EDIT: I am some-what new to fishing so any tips and constructive criticism are welcome.
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There is a facebook group called Elk Lake fishing dock that has good info on shore fishing at Elk Lake with regular updates.
I've had terrible luck from the dock this year, but have had good experiences there in the past fishing the bottom with power bait and cheese marshmallows on a 4 foot leader.
Try a float and bobber...#6 hook suspended about 4ft below the float with a tiny splitshot or two about 4 inches above the hook. Use Dew-worm for bait, completely covering the hook with a little bit of live wriggling worm hanging off the end of the hook. Use spinning reel so you can cast. Give it also a dose of x-10 or Berkely Trout attractant.

Simple. Humble.

This rig has saved my butt for trout fishing from shore more times than I can count.

I don't fish Elk.....live too far up island......but it's got to work there too.

And.....if you don't get a fish in one location after awhile......move to another spot.

Trout love structure.

Time and time again I've fished one spot, got nothing, and then moved 50ft up the shore to where there was an old log or overhanging tree or rocks or whatever...and bango, there they are. if I casted right out beside the log....fish on. If I casted 30ft to the side of the log....nothing. Done this so many times I could write a book.
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I think the rig you have with the power bait and the leader is good. There are a few spots where I see people fishing from shore other than the dock. On the Brookleigh road side, if you walk east on the trail from the boat launch, you will come to an area where there is a willow tree with a park bench under it. This is a popular spot.

Also, on the Pat Bay highway side, there is a culvert pipe that pours out near the weigh scale, I see people there too. And South of there, towards the Boat house, there is another spot in there amongst some Alder trees, I see people there sometimes.

There's not a lot of structure in Elk lake, it's pretty much just a big pit. Here and there you will find the odd "reef" where years ago some old tires were thrown in there for structure for the bass. Other than that its pretty structure-less.
Weigh scale still working?

A little off topic, I know, but the closest match I could find....
Anyone know if this weigh scale is still operational?
The scale works, there are just no longer staff there. I've driven my truck onto it a few times to see the weight.
I've not driven onto the scale in a while but if the LED readout is an indicator, it's turned on and appears to be working.