Edit function - Question for Mod's


Well-Known Member
Unable to edit a posting after it's up.
Used to be able to.
Change in the system?
or are you just trying to force us think before hitting the post button?
Logged on ok, I presume, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post.
Get this error screen when I try to edit a message I posted.

"Note: Only the poster of this message, and the Moderator can edit the message.

Forum: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'rs'

/forum/post.asp, line 642"
In rechecking the problem, I'm able to edit the second message I posted, but not the first one.
quote:Originally posted by Time

In rechecking the problem, I'm able to edit the second message I posted, but not the first one. Did some backchecking and unable, as author, to edit or delete original posting on a new topic, but able to delete or edit subsequent postings on own or other threads. The only difference I can see is that on the first posting the delete icon with the garbage can is missing.
Once you have posted a new topic you cannot edit the (Topic) subject line only the message</u>. You must be logged into the site don't be fooled if you type your user name and password as required when posting, you are only logged in for that one post. You must login at the top of the page to be truly logged in to edit any reply you post.

Cheers ME
...nope - the edit function only works if you post after a first post.

When trying to edit an original starter post I too get this message when trying to edit.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'rs'

/forum/post.asp, line 642

It has been this way for months...since the updates to the forum...
Let us know when you've fixed the edit function, Kev. Right now I get that message "Only poster and mod can edit" with nothing ...oh wait a sec...it works now! [:p]