was out yesterday off F.C.....started at 11:30 a.m.
Guys that were coming in while we were launching said there were about 60 boats at the LittleQ and that while lots of fish were finning/jumping they weren't biting much.
Another guy said he got 2 Chum and 2 Plus20lb Chinooks down near White Door in the a.m.
We didn't go to rivers......fished out front to White Door.
Bite time was good up until about 1 p.m.and then dropped of a bit.
Hadn't caught anything previously on the "Qualicum Killer" but today it was the only thing that caught fish. There are variations of the "Qualicum Killer". I was using an Electric Chair Hoochy ( Clear UV with glow pink stripe down side) and a pink hoochy inside with a twinkle skirt inside that.....behind Purple Haze or Pink haze flashers. Tried lots of other lures that didn't produce.
Didn't get any lunkers....but caught quite a few smaller Chinook that were not legal so released plus a multitude of dinkers and also Dogfish.
I was thinking best bet at the rivers is early a.m or a.m. with a good low tide slack before lunchtime.
Did not mark a heck of a lot of fish on finder......but after about 2p.m. there seemed to be less and less. We stayed til about 7:30 .
Fished all over the place at different depths. Lots of smaller dinker Coho jumping here and there.
Quite a few boats out there....didn't see much of anything caught.
Most of the fish I marked were in the 20 to 70ft range.
saw quite a few seals around 6pm right in front of the entrance to the marina.......went over there (boat traffic was light at that time) to see what they were after. Noticed a huge school of something in about 120ft deep of water . School was from 20ft to 70ft. Trolled right through it several times but only got a foul-hooked dogfish.
Did not show as bait on the finder...showed as individual fish.
There were all these small bubbles like pop-fizz coming up.......although you couldn't see any bait. The only thing that makes bubbles is herring ( and crabs if you believed Phil Harris....
Trying to figure out what made all the bubbles as I don't think I was over a baitball.....