ECVI fishing this weekend????


Active Member
Any one from the Courtenay/Campbell River area been able to sneak out in the lulls between the storms? I hear there are lots of winter springs and good prawning. I hope to get out from kitty coleman Sunday weather and wife permitting.

Cheers MyEscape
Thanks CA I guess I have wishful thinking that the weather site might be wrong for a change LOL. If can't get out might go chase some trout on the local pond with my son.

Cheers ME

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/03/2006 13:16:32
I can put my two cents worth in from the other side of the strait (Powell River).

When we've been able to get out, the prawing has been good and the fishing half decent. Lots of undersized fish, and a few keepers thrown into the mix. I heard of a few fish in the low twenties in the past week or so (Tuesday?), but didn't see them myself.

Trout fishing has been great when we haven't been able to get out onto the chuck.

Fish Wish
Sure does look like it's gonna cooperate tomorrow all right.

I'm going for sure! MMMMMM Prawns.

Gimee the gaff!!!