

Crew Member
Just heard on the radio about a couple quakes about 200km west of Port Hardy.. Just wondering if there are any stories to be heard ????
I wonder if it had anything to do with the fishfarming shakedown;)

In 2006 my first day in Victoria (coming from Calgary), doncha know it...Earthquake!! So I figured if I survived the first one on The Rock, and as long they're not too strong we'll be OK
Hows the wheather in AB these days?

......Sorry, that was mean[8D]

Actually the weather has been gorgeous the last 2 weeks.. In the southern part of the province its been on the plus side for a week now sunny and "dry"... In the north temps have remained very nice making for some excellent days out on the lakes.. Startin to haul in some decent Walleye and Pike ice fishing... We are getting some decent snow fall as well making for some great sledding...

Hows the weather out on the coast is it wet or is it wetter ?????
Windy and windy-er.
Who cares about the rain at least you can still fish.