
Tahsis got a good shaking today. We are less than 40 miles from the epicenter which was only 10 miles off the coast of Nootka Island and about 18 to 20 miles from Friendly Cove and Ferrer Point ( draw a triangle and that will pinpoint the spot - or go to Google Earth).

Our power went out about half way through the shaking and was out for about 5 minutes or so. Luckily when it came back on our internet was up so I was able to check reports to see if we needed to run for high ground or not. We didn't!

I wish I'd thought to grab my video camera which was in a bag at my feet, but I was more concerned with grabbing hold of my computer monitor to make sure it didn't topple over!
NO............ it's more than a was better than grade "A" plus 1 with 5 stars.............Ooops I forgot Nootka area doesn't have 5 stars ............but I can live with it

Good one "Lipripper"
There must have been a huge wave that swept thru Beecher Bay today i think it took out the log break water @ Cheanuh:rolleyes:
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There must have been a huge wave that swept thru Beecher Bay today i think it took out the log break water @ Cheanuh:rolleyes:

There was a letter on the pilings just over a year ago...... It said something like....

To whom it may concern: I am a Tsunami.....What!?

I needed some logs so I just took this boom.
If I come back on Sept 9th,2011...... it wasn't me...K?

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Send us all the 4's - 5's & 6's they want. Gradual stress reduction suits me just fine.

Historically they say every 300 or so years we've had a BIGGY on our coast somewhere between south Cal. and Haida Gwai.
We are at somewhere around 320/yrs if memory serves.

IMHO, we are nowhere near ready for it. If I was 'the Boss', I'd have all those old brick buildings downtown & Chinatown dropped and new ones built.
But I'd start with the schools first. There's still lots of old ones that would crumble like a house-of-cards.
You are correct Little Hawk. The geologic record shows about every 300 years there is a Biggie. It also shows regular 4-7's about every ten years which puts this last one right on time. Unfortunately it also means we can still expect something a lot worse in the near future. The quake yesterday was lateral which is why it didn't produce a Tsunami. The big ones are vertical, caused by the release of stress on a subduction plate where one plate is moving below another. When the plates slip one drops and the other rises setting up the wave action.
Approx 1200 eq's occur each year between puget sound and port hardy. Last subuction zone eq was a magnitude 9.0 on Jan 26th, 1700... Major subduction zone eq's happen every 300 to 800 years in our region. Combining the crustal and subduction risk experts now predict we have a 1 in 3 chance of a major damaging eq on southern vancouver island in the next 50 years.
Sounds like you boys watched the same show I did; it was freaky!

Part of it focused on the aftermath of the latest one in Japan and how far the Tsunami - and others throughout history - had washed up on this particular hillside near the ocean. The guy doing the narrative walked the road up the hillside to a point where a very old small cenotaph like rock pillar was standing by the road and on it was inscribed words to the effect, "Those who build their homes above this marker will keep their families safe from the wave."

That marker was 75 - meters above sea level.

That implication horrified me.
Ya, I watched that one. Also searched a ton of stuff on line. The tough part about all of this is that no-one really knows when, or how bad it will happen. One on line source I located said the current pressure levels in the Cascadia fault have built up to the point that when they release the plate could move over 30 feet in under a second. That would be bad, very bad.