Duval Pont Report

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Duval Point Lodge Fishing Report For July 7, 2004
Hello everyone and welcome to the first fishing report of the season. The floating lodge was towed out from Port Hardy the first week of June and two weeks later we were ready for our first guests.

For those of you who will be returning for another year you can expect to see familiar faces. All our dock boys who have worked for us for the past 5 years are returning. Baird (took a year off from his studies at University, travelled last winter thru out Australia and New Zealand), Cole (spent last winter down island at Malispina College studying science) Jordan ( spent last year working odd jobs around Port Hardy) and Derrick (who spent last year finishing grade 12) will all be working at the lodge.

Our season opened up on June 25th. Janine Anderson and Arthur Logue of Marrysville Washington took advantage of our fully guided package for the weekend and were not disappointed. Their first day out they limited out on Chinook with a 34lb., 30 lb., and two more in the high teens. The second day of their trip they decided to go halibut fishing again they came back with their limit of halibut - nothing very large but all great eating.

Darbie and Colleen Doerge of Bothell Washington decided to do a one day guided trip just to get their feet wet. They left the dock early in the morning and were back by early afternoon with their limit of Chinook 40, 30. 23, and 17 lb. The next day they went out on their own and came back with 2 more Chinook in the high teens. Every year Duval Point Lodge gives away one free fishing trip to the largest salmon caught in the season. As of this date, 40 lbs. is the target to beat. Last year the largest salmon was 48 lbs., caught by Dean Cook.

This past week we are seeing quite a few more halibut coming in, most at around 20 lbs. George Saxburg of Reno Nevada hooked into a nice 55 lb. halibut up in Christie Pass.

We are now also seeing the Coho move into our area with some up to 11 lbs.

The regulations for Coho have been changed this year. Until August 2nd, we are allowed to keep two Coho(one wild and one hatchery) per day, with a possession limit of four (two hatchery and two wild). After August 2nd no wild Coho are allowed, although we can still keep two hatchery Coho per day, (possession limit of four). The Chinook limits are the same as last year: two per day with a possession limit of four.

Till Next Week
Tight Lines

Tom Makinson

Duval Point Lodge

that's why there's a warranty!