Duval Point Lodge Report

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Duval Point Lodge, Fishing Report For Aug 20, 2004

Hello everyone and welcome to the fishing report for Aug 20. We have had some of the most incredible fishing this summer. We now have a new leader in the fishing derby. Will Sauro of Kent, Washington now holds the lead with a 54 lb. Chinook. Will has been fishing with us for the past 12 years and always goes home with his limit of salmon, but this year his limit might include a winning fish, which will earn him a free fishing trip next year. The 54 lb. Chinook is now the largest fish caught ever at our lodge, the previous largest fish was 51 lbs.

The following is an e mail from Will Sauro:

"The fish was caught on Thursday August 12th. We were up at dark and on
the water at first light. The water was flat and calm. As we made our
first pass down the wall to the 58 Chevy hole. There was just enough
light to see the cut plug, and how it was turning. Then we set one
pole at 45 feet and the other at 60 feet. As we passed thought the hole I saw my fly rod go down. When I pulled it from the pole holder, and set the hook it felt like it was hung on the bottom. Then things started to happen. All rods and down riggers came up, and the fight was on. We were in 90 feet of water and he hit at 45 feet, and then went straight to the bottom. I cannot believe how long a fish could stay in one spot and not move. He never made a long run (thank God) because we were next to the kelp beads and I knew he could go in there anytime. All I could do was hang on and hope that he would move out to deeper water. After 20 minutes he started to make me really work. Around the boat, under the boat. I can't tell you how many times he did that. Now he has been on 45 minutes and we still have not seen him. But, I knew he was a " Boss Hog". Shortly thereafter I started gaining on him. When I saw him, I knew he was a fish of a lifetime. When we finally netted him I was beat.The fish measured 4 feet long and weighed 54 pounds. He was caught on a tyee buck tail lightweight fly rod. On 20 pound test line. Using cut
plug herring. What a great fish!" Will Sauro

Will’s fish can be seen on our web page http://www.duvalpointlodge.com/report.html

The following is another e: mail from another long time customer, Phelps McIlvaine.
Dear Tom,
"Thanks again for a fantastic trip. It was as close to perfect as you can get. Fishing, weather, hospitality and great service from your sons. My son Cole was ecstatic about his 33 pounder and my pulse is only now starting to slow back down to normal. We really ripped some lips this time!. Silvers kings, pinks everyday. We look forward to many more trips to Duval Point Lodge."Phelps & Cole McIlvaine.

A picture of Phelps and his son Cole can be viewed on our web site.

The following e mail is from Nancy Connors. (Nancy and her fish can be viewed also on our web site)

"I had my first experience at Duval Lodge this past week, What a great
place! I was able to catch my first Chinook, and what a catch it was, 30 lbs. Right out front of the Lodge. I was fortunate to also see the
whales come through at the point. All the boats stopped fishing( well
some of the boats stopped) to watch the whales. We saw
eagles,otters,dolphins and whales. What an experience. This was truly a great fishing trip." Nancy Connor

The e mails speak for them selves we have had an amazing amount fish pass thru our area and most of our guests have been going home with their limits or very close to them.

The hot spot for the past three weeks has been right in front of the lodge on Duval Island. Most of the fish have been caught using a cut plug herring at 60-80 feet without a flasher. The Chinook have been averaging between 20-35 lbs. We are now also seeing some really nice hatchery Coho going thru. We have seen a few hatchery Coho now getting close to 14 lbs. and the wild ones now are now in the upper teens. The pinks have now just about gone thru our area now and are now stacked up in Hardy Bay waiting for the rains for their final push up the river.
If anyone has pictures of their fishing trip and would like to share their experiences with others please forward it to us and we will do our best to get it up on our web site. Everyone loves a fishing story.
Many of our dates are now sold out or very near sold out for the following year. If you are planning on fishing with us next year please book early and avoid disappointment.
Tight Lines
Tom Makinson
Duval Point Lodge
250-949-6667 Fishing Season
250-949-1294 Lodge
Toll Free 877-282-3474 winter

that's why there's a warranty!
I am interested in working at a fishing resort either as a guide or dock boy. I was wondering what the minimum age you would allow to work there? I have fished for 8 years on the island. But am only 15. any info would be great.

beachcomber NANOOSE
I am interested in working at a fishing resort either as a guide or dock boy. I was wondering what the minimum age you would allow to work there? I have fished for 8 years on the island. But am only 15. any info would be great.

beachcomber NANOOSE
Kelly-I'm not Tom Makinson I just post the reports I get over the net.
I know Tom uses his teenage kids as Dockhands-pays 'em pnuts and feeds 'em om bottomfish ;)
Why not start a new thread with your question?

that's why there's a warranty!
Kelly-I'm not Tom Makinson I just post the reports I get over the net.
I know Tom uses his teenage kids as Dockhands-pays 'em pnuts and feeds 'em om bottomfish ;)
Why not start a new thread with your question?

that's why there's a warranty!