Duval Point Lodge Report

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Duval Point Lodge Fishing Report - July 8, 2003

Hello everyone and welcome to the fishing report for July 8. We had an exciting week out at the lodge, we inducted 2 new members into the "Over 30 lb Club" and we have a new leader in the Duval Point Lodge Derby.

Buff Kohler of Tacoma Washington is now leading the derby with a 32 lb. Chinook caught right in front of the lodge. Buff arrived at the lodge on Friday and had been on the water no longer than 5 minutes when he hooked into and landed a 32 lb. Chinook. Along with leading the derby Buff also earns himself one of our stylish "Over 30 lb. Club" hats. Every year we host a fishing derby at the lodge which last all season and the quest who catches the largest salmon wins a free fishing trip back next year. Tom Kirkwood of Oak Hbr. Washington was not far behind with a 31 lb. Chinook earning a hat also.

George Saxburg's group from Reno Nevada went home very close to their limits of salmon and halibut with the largest salmon at 29 lbs.

The Coho have been showing up now for the past few weeks and some of them are well over 10 lbs. As of July 1 we have been able to keep hatchery Coho, we estimate that 1 in 3 Coho is a hatchery fish.

The past week we have started to see Pinks move into our area which seem to be very early this year.

The fishing report can be also viewed on our web site at http://www.duvalpointlodge.com/report.html

If you are getting this report by mistake please let me know and I will remove your name.

Till Next Week

Tom Makinson

Duval Point Lodge

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