I use 25lb mono.......it is put right back to the inside of the yellow Scotty clip and the back of the clip is pulled to "out" position to get max grip.
The Yellow /Black Scotty clip has 2 settings on it....one for lighter grip and one for max grip.
When I'm fishing deep ( 190 to 240ft) I have to have max grip....or the water/flasher resistance will pull the line out of the clip.
HOWEVER.....if I decide to trip the clip manually at that depth ......it usually does'nt and is an absolute bee-otch to
manually trip.....even if I wind it up to 120ft. Usually won't pop until about 70ft.
So I actually can wind line in, but the clip won't release it.
BUT....this is the price I pay so that I don't get "pre-pops"........(get all the way down there and the weak resistance pops the line out of the clip). I hate pre-pops.
Bigger fish will trip the clip this way....but if I get a shaker on I may not even know it's there sometimes.
I go to great lengths to make sure there is no oil or grease on the line where I am putting it in the clip.
Sometimes the line bouncing around will actually move the "wishbone" at the back of the clip out of position and release the clip.
I got around this by filing a bevel on the edges of the clip and using a certain length of retaining line through the clip.
In the pic:-
Clip on left is in"max" strength position. Clip on right is in "weaker" setting.
Clip on left has bigger line loop where it goes through "wishbone". This eliminates line sidepull a bit more and pevents pre-pops more. The shorter you make that loop the worse it is.
Downrigger gurus say that you need about 8lbs actual test pull to release mono from the clip on a "bench test". I've tried it, and it's a little light for me.
Fishing in 40ft of water is just not the same as 240ft of water.