Does Braid really have less blowback than (good) cable?


I have never made the switch from cable but every upcoming season I think about it. I just measured my canon cable yesterday at .0304 inch. PowerPro 200, which seems to be the recommended one, measures .030 according to the manu. 4 thousandths difference is negligible.
If anything, with those measurements one would expect the cable to fish a tad deeper due to weight vs powerpro being slightly buoyant. Therefore I am still wondering why the rave of braid over a good quality 316 multistrand cable with a bit of maintenance.
However I can understand comparing braid to lower quality 304 cable would make lead many to the swap.
never thought about blow back on the rigger, more so on the rod line.
I switched from the stock Scotty stainless to braid last year. I can't say I noticed any difference in blowback. What I like is handling the braid on the boat...I keep the cannonballs in holders on the deck, and the braid is nicer to deal with vs stainless wire.

My opinion is braid vs wire is an eternal debate like Ford vs Chevy
I run one braid, one cable. Difference is negligible for me running 12's & 15's. Maybe it's more of a difference for guys who use 18 or 20's. Should you brake off a cannonball, it sure is nice to just tie a new knot in the braid and you're back fishing.
I think the difference would be negligible. One reason not to change to braid is if you use a black box. Cant dial it in line you can with cable.
FYI, I am in search of 400’ (or more ) of braid to respool a rigger. I will also post in the buy and sell

I have cable on one rigger and braid on the other. I honestly say they are equal performance. I have a slight preference for the braid only because it doesn’t get jaggers and I think may last longer. Sometimes though the cable side just catches all the fish.
Yes about the threads! thats why I posted the specs as it really dosent make sense to me why many post that they fish better deep with braid. Just like many say they know how deep their balls are because they pick them up on the sonar. When you see your ball on the sonar it is just telling you how far away it is from the transducer and not necessarily how deep it is. I have a gadget I can clip on my ball to record max depth and have compared it to my sonar. My conclusion is that the rigger line does not go straight back at an angle like in the drawings but has a belly in it like your rod line. Therefore the ball on the bottom is actually infront of the angle of the cable. (strong currents excluded). I thought I came up with a great idea one time by hanging a deep diver onto my ball to counter the drag but it didnt help much for the hassle.
I use cannon mag10ts and they wire puts out around .7v and I do catch my share of nooks on the wire.
FYI, I am in search of 400’ (or more ) of braid to respool a rigger. I will also post in the buy and sell

I have cable on one rigger and braid on the other. I honestly say they are equal performance. I have a slight preference for the braid only because it doesn’t get jaggers and I think may last longer. Sometimes though the cable side just catches all the fish.
modified double uni knot... throw on 600'
Guys who sell lead love you guys who run steel line. I can't afford to run steel.
Lol. From what I’ve seen balls on braid that get accidentally pulled up to the pulley are gone with a pop. I’ve seen cable hold a ball that was mistakenly brought up too far. So many ways to lose lead, personally I don't believe braid any better than wire in that department.
I had 2 friends lose balls/braid to thresher sharks last year. I had them hit my cable no issue. If I went back to scotties I think I would use braid for longevity just because the spools are horizontal and water dosent drain off the bottom side unlike the exposed vertical cannons which are easy to hose down. I would say they both are even on advantages/disadvantages and neither has significant redcution in blow back.
Cabelas price for 300’ of stainless cable is right around $45.
300’ braid is $75.
how many seasons do you get out of your braided line? This is my 7th season running cable and I finally need to replace it. Lost one ball in that time due to operator error when wife ran us into an underwater ledge.
Cabelas price for 300’ of stainless cable is right around $45.
300’ braid is $75.
how many seasons do you get out of your braided line? This is my 7th season running cable and I finally need to replace it. Lost one ball in that time due to operator error when wife ran us into an underwater ledge.
yeah right blame your wife!! I do.
I bought my riggers used in 2014 ( they where probably 2 years old ) I have cut a bit off and put a fresh ganone stopper leader on them each season. I would say the riggers probably get 20-30 days of fishing a year on average. My steel cable has a jaggy strand at about 100’ so i want to replace it. I would like 400’ just so I can cut a bit off each season and because I like to fish deep.
Season 6 with braid. I run 3 riggers and switch from cable to braid as was needed. Never noticed much of a difference in blow back. Will stick with the braid purely because way easier to deal with for me.