dodger and hoochie/spoon combos


Purple Haze flasher........Army Truck hoochy


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No.60 has worked for me on this side of the Straits since I started dragging Hardware in 1978. Yep the barb is pinched.


Anything works if you present it properly in the correct place. Drawer is 4 inches deep and has lots of choices.


Most of the time when I am dragging hardware I fish in 160 to 180 feet of water along the ledges. And keep the cannonball within 5 feet of the bottom. First release is 6 feet above the cannonball.

Jigs work also when I am tired of running the downriggers:


My absolute best all time lure behind a flasher is a whole herring rigged the commercial way.

You can get those T-Rex needlefish at PNT.....I don't think they're discontinued.......
No.60 has worked for me on this side of the Straits since I started dragging Hardware in 1978. Yep the barb is pinched.


Anything works if you present it properly in the correct place. Drawer is 4 inches deep and has lots of choices.


Most of the time when I am dragging hardware I fish in 160 to 180 feet of water along the ledges. And keep the cannonball within 5 feet of the bottom. First release is 6 feet above the cannonball.

Jigs work also when I am tired of running the downriggers:


My absolute best all time lure behind a flasher is a whole herring rigged the commercial way.

Hey Mako 22, thanks for the great post. Just wondering what a whole herring rigged the commercial way is. Do you have a picture or a better description of this method.

Seafever thanks for the pictures. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Very nice to see exactly what other people are using. Helps someone who is having trouble catching fish out. At least they have a good idea what to use, now they just have to work on their presentation, depth, speed etc. Thanks again, it's really appreciated.

Number 1 rule of fishing:- be where the fish are.

If you are not where the fish can spend all day tossing tackle into the water with zero results...and I speak from personal experience....:p......:cool:

If you are where the fish are......a lot of things will work generally............:)........especially if you are also at the correct bite time/tide.......

I find where I fish that the best time is low slack and 2 hours after that mostly.

But it varies from place to place on the coast.

I'm not a 'crack of dawn" fisherman.......but often that and for a while after is a very good time to fish......

All kinds of things work when there's lots of salmon around and your lure is going right through them.......
"Shorter" never works for me.......

That flasher has a 1 3/4 inch wide strip of glow tape on the back of it..........:)
you run your needles the same length as your normal Octopus sizes ??

i prefer 32-36 tail to blade on needles , ive played with this countless hours in my area all winter for the past 6 years ,
seems ta be most effective on my rig , depth and speed i guess is all i can say ,
3.00 to 3.5 mph ,

as a very well respected guide in grappler told me years ago , dont let them get to good of a look at it,lol
its worked for me ever since !!

all to your own i suppose

just m2b

yes PNT has lots in stock

Yep...measurement is from back edge of flasher to nose of hoochy......actual distance all hardware included.

Once in awhile I'll go 37".........but that's it...

unless I'm trolling around the mouth of the Little Q in late late August.....then for some reason 32 inches works with certain hoochies.

I don't even bother shortening for Coho.......they like these just fine....

I have experimented in the past lots with leader lengths on hoochies......I've never gotten anything on a leader shorter than 36 inches.........most fish I get on 38"......

I usually troll 2.45 mph SOG on the GPS..........usually going with the current or slightly across it....that works for me.....flashers back about I'm guessing 25 ft.....from the clip..

But.....nothing is written in stone when it comes to fishing........;)
Those aren't Siwash on the hoochies......they're regular salmon hooks snelled to the leader.....there' some glow beads and tubing inside the hoochy.

Some are Gamakatsu I think........I just shop for big salmon hooks in the 5/0,6/0, and maybe 7/0 generally. A file will get them tack sharp if they aren't already.

I personally like my hoochies with an uninterrupted streamlined look......but that's just me.

I've used the two-hook rig before ...and that works as well.
The Bon Chovy guide flasher and chautruse spatter back just killed it all the from rivers inlet right to vancouver. Got all the bigger fish.