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I was trolling off Gibsons the other night and my sonar showed a thick band of something at 50 feet that went on forever. I pulled the gear up on one side from 100 feet and everything was covered in small jelly fish. So I assumed that the band was in fact jelly fish. So as my young son and I continue trolling with our both our lines down at 100 and 135 feet he keeps asking what the arches are at 50 feet above the band of jellies. I know they look like fish arches but I'm thinking no way they're just an anomaly. So after seeing continuous arches at 50' and to appease my son's curiosity I bring one side up to 50 where the latest arch is cruising by. I barely had time to turn my head and bam! fish on at 50 feet! Great fight and his first time on the knuckle duster but dad flails on the net and we lose a beauty chromer beside the boat at least 15 lbs. So I turn back and more arches and more jelly fish and we lose 2 in the next 5 minutes!!! all at 50 feet. One hit was monstrous. So we went home skunked but really stoked at the same time. The sonar obviously was doing an excellent job but now I'm really curious as to what was going on down there at 50 feet among the jelly fish. Fish arches were all just above the jelly line and some where actually in the band but nothing below. Where the salmon eating these baby jellies? or do they stay above them for some other reason. All the action came on good ol reliable (non glow) white hoochies with Silver Horde twinkle skirts and 4/0 Gami siwash rigged with Chartreuse flashers.