Disgusting video but please watch

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Where's Greenpeace when you need them???

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 8:52 PM
Subject: Dolphin Massacre in Japan

I warn you - the video clip is pretty hard to watch..... please sign the petition

Dear Friends and lovers of the ocean. Sometimes the ocean needs our help, and this is one of them

To view the video is very disturbing, to not act in stopping such behaviour would be a travesty ...

At the very least please sign this online petition. Lovers of the ocean and it's inhabitants - this is a clear call to action. To do nothing is to approve of it.

Please take the time to look at the video and sign the online petition. >From little things, big things grow........

And then send it on to as many like minded people that you know. If we build the numbers, we will be heard eventually and things will change, one way or the other

Please help! We must change the way people think about their oceans and inhabitants for the good of us all.

Click on links below

The video - http://www.glumbert.com/media/dolphin <http://www.glumbert.com/media/dolphin>

The petition - http://www.petitiononline.com/golfinho/ <http://www.petitiononline.com/golfinho/>
and yet we are not allowed to shoot a seal in a humane way[xx(]
It is quite ugly. I noticed that they use the meat, do they use the oil etc.? Is this the only country where Dolphins are harvested? I guess if it is ok to harvest them then the question is why can't they do it more human manner?