DFO Pushing Flawed "Experimental" Halibut Program

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Again like last year let us have strong solidarity amongst the sport fishing community to boycott this misguided and unworkable program!!! :mad:

RECREATIONAL - General Information,
RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0803-Halibut Experimental Recreational Fishery Program

Fishing for recreational halibut may continue to occur for those interested in
participating in the experimental recreational fishery. The pilot fishy began
in 2011; on February 17, 2012, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans announced
that the experimental recreational halibut fishery program would continue
throughout the 2012 season.

For details on the experimental fishery please visit: http://www.pac.dfo-

The program will be available to interested participants until the end of


How much time, effort and money is DFO going to waste on this ridiculous program?!
Put your resources into something worth while DFO!!!
I'm not supporting it, but I'll bet there are enough guys out there wanting to charter Halibut trips that it just may
sway someone ? :eek:
This is a program created by the wealthy for the wealthy. A few will use it and I bet more then a few will abuse it. **** you DFO.
I'm a non-resident so I couldn't take advantage of this if I wanted to. However, at the risk of sounding ignorant, what's so wrong with the idea of a recreational guy/gal being able to buy a little quota from a commie? Is the price ridiculously high? Is the process ridiculously complicated? Or is it just the concept of paying for quota that should be reallocated to recreational fishing in the first place? Educate me folks.
The latter.
Agreed, I will never lease any quota from a commie or a slipper skipper. It wasnt theirs to begin with. The government giveth, the government has the responsibility to taketh away. It is their responsibility to provide resources where the best use of those resources provides the greatest amount of wealth to the country. Economics clearly proves that this is presently NOT the case.
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I agree that the commie/rec halibut fishery needs some reworking, I know one of these boatless skippers and he seems to think that the comm fishery does a better job of managing the fishery, when I asked if they put any limit on the size they can take he said no they take everything. I told him that I've never kept a fish over 80lbs and anytime I've been out with a guide although they have never said that we can't keep bigger fish they have always said that they like to release anything over 100lbs due to the likelyhood that a fish of this size is female and just that fact suggests the rec fishery is more concerned about the health of the fishery. I know my next statement might not be popular but if it gets us ( rec ) a bigger piece of the pie, maybe a tag like the salmon tag should be put on the rec lic the money from the tags going to the purchase of quota for the rec fishery permanently removed from the comm fishery and make changes that would change the 1 per day, 2 possession rule to 2 per day/possession with catches recorded on the lic like with salmon. Like I said probably not popular but the way things are going the system isn't looking to change anytime soon.