DFO Online Survey of tidal water fishing results - How many of you got sent this ?


Well-Known Member
Just curious how many got this survey e-mail?

Le texte en français fait suite à la copie en anglais

May 2013

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for estimating recreational fishing catch. To estimate recreational catch in tidal waters, DFO is conducting an online survey of tidal water licence holders. You have been selected to provide information on your fishing activity during the month of May 2013. It is important that you provide accurate and complete information when filling out the survey. If you do not fish during this period, you can respond at the end of the survey period using a link to the survey from a reminder email you will receive. The survey should take five to ten minutes for most respondents or somewhat longer for more active fishers. Please note that although participation in this survey is voluntary, your participation is vital to DFO’s ability to estimate recreational catch.

EKOS Research Associates, an independent consulting company, has been contracted by DFO to conduct this online survey, including contacting you by email. Your survey responses will remain strictly confidential, and will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the federal Privacy Act.

In a few days, you will receive a second email with the subject “Online Recreational Fishing Survey Details” from EKOS Research Associates. That email will outline what information will be requested and include a personalised link to the survey website.

Should you have further questions or concerns regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact:



Derek Jansen

EKOS Research Associates

Tel: (613) 235-7215 ext, 112:

e-mail: djansen@ekos.com

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important survey.
I did as well.
Got one last fall during chum season.
No problems filling out and was happy to help.
I got one. I tried to fill it in and keep it up to date. I gave up and deleted it. I was surprised they didn't want me to include a DNA sample. I felt they wanted way to much information and time from me. This might be something easy for a weekend warrior with bad luck to fill in.

GLG good thing fishing was slow last Oct. chum fishing otherwise you'd still be filing it out... :)
I received it as well and intend to fill it out to the best of my abilities.

Working full time in the stock assessment world (not for DFO), I have seen how valuable these creel data are for making management decisions. The DFO stock assessment and fishery managment staff who develop these programs and handle these data are generally hard working folks who have the best interest of the resource foremost in their minds. They operate in an environment where they take constant abuse from multiple stakeholder groups for the politically motivitated decisions of their superiors over which they have no control.

Sadly, this environment is so toxic that it discourages talented and motivated people from the generation coming up from taking positions with DFO (Constant cutbacks play a role as well).
One of the issues the rec sector faces as far as area closures is lack of info/stats for stock assessment. Its no wonder the commercial sector claims we catch more than we say if we won't provide our stats and "hide" our results !
Recently I invited David O'Brien, biologist from the Strait of Georgia Salmon Stock Assesment Group and Owen Bird ( SFI) to come out to a meeting with some of our local Guides. Very informative talk about Stock Assessment and the logbook program. I can tell you 100% that lack of any information is not the answer. How Stock assessment is calculated may not be perfect however DFO needs information so that areas can stay open. No information will close areas that otherwise could be kept open.
DFO needs to gather data that they can use to enhance salmon through hatcheries and habitat improvement, not just data to manage user groups on a declining resource.
ITS all "hear say" data anyways so how is it able to be used???? Sorry after countless meetings im still really not convinced especially the fly overs but thats another topic.....
Checked off the the three days I fished no comments and done in twenty seconds seems simple
DFO stupidity !

This whole thing pisses me off as a waste of my money. The first one I received was in mid February in the middle of storm season. Less than 1% of us fish then so why even bother with the questions. Then this month on the 4th of July I get this kicker! Please tell us each day you fished in the month of (JULY/2013???????). It was the forth people and it showed the calendar for the whole month?????? Pleas send your answers in right away????? Ummm hello Myron its the 4th of july ........ which ment I could only answer for a possible 3 days how is this a complete survey from fishing habits? for the full month and reply right away. I replied with a very stern condemnation of there lack of common sense and the waste of my tax dollars when the fishery is in peril with lack of funds already!
It's designed so that you update it after every fishing trip and send it in. They then have current information throughout the month instead of receiving it all at the end of the month. It's all explained on the site.
Not rocket science.