Is there a tangible number of anglers that can be attached to this fishery, specifically anglers who target halibut? If so, how do we accrue these numbers and to what extent do we measure their success? If in fact there is no reporting made by the main proportion of participants how accurate can DFO be in determining the harvest effort? I keep reading all of these related posts, and I am encountering mixed messages. So before I get any more confused, could someone please explain to us if it is the commercial fishermen whom are to blame for the sport sectors shortfall, or is it the bureaucracy and the title that maintains it that is to blame(namely DFO)? Or is it both, Or is it in addition to, or otherwise? Please clarify.
Ding Dong!
I see that you have been thinking this through very methodically and logically. You have VERY valid questions, ones that we all need to hear the answer to,
IF there is anyone that can definatively answer them. It is my belief that the lack of clear concise numbers and information to these questions is by design, if no one really knows the answers to the questions in a debate topic, then how does one logically defend a given point. So when push comes to shove and clear and definative proof can't be put forward, the decision goes to the power or body that makes the arbitrary decisions (in this case DFO). Now if you were a governing body that did not want to HAVE to JUSTIFY all of the decisions that you make for the masses, wouldn't you want there to be a large amount of "grey area" in the data that supports your decisions, that way if it became proven that you made a bad decision, you would have your ACE covered with the excuse "Oh we must have had BAD or not enough DATA".
Conspiracy?? - Maybe, maybe not. Question is can you prove one way or the other!
I know this, my father and I went out fishing on 18 different trips last year (4 times for Halibut), and we did not get asked once - not ONCE, what or how many fish we caught! We did catch 2 Halibut last year (little chickens), it was our first year out there, so hopefully this year is better -we'll see. My point is that the two Halis that we caught last year were never accounted for by anyone either by numbers or by weight, so how in the hell does DFO know what we caught.
Has anyone else had the Halibut that they caught last year accounted for either by numbers or by weight, so that DFO would have actually seen a real number (or weight) for the quantity of fish taken in the sport fishing sector from our 12% of the TAC ???
Yes Ding Dong! it does seem that we are playing the old game Pin The Tail on the...!
Again I say, if the Grey Area is large enough how and where does one point a finger when the S#!? hits the fan. Further insult to injury is that it is OUR tax dollars that are funding this whole fiasco, I don't know what is more criminal here; having to fight DFO to give us what is ours to begin with, or watching them BURN our money that we all work so hard to give to them. Maybe if they had to fight for the money that pays their wages like we have to fight for the fish that we catch, just maybe they would appreciate that TAX money a bit more than they do now.