Determining Currents around Victoria

Captain PartyMarty

Crew Member
I have read alot on here about how important it is to fish for Halibut on days with low tidal current. What source are do you use to deterine if a specific day is going to be high or low current day in the Victoria Area. Is there a website/online resource or is there chart/table that I can buy?

Was out yesterday and the current was fine but the wind was pushing us all over. We essentially found the current running opposite of the wind drift so keeping the boats head into the wind was impossible. Finally gave up as it felt unsafe.
Just get Murrays table and the book. Its cheap and you can carry it with you on your boat... If you know how to read it, and use it properly not only it is extremely handy for halibut fishing...but for salmon fishing and determining what the water will do with a given wind.....

When I fish a tide change in summer I always use this book, and it has improved my timing of being at the right time when targeting fish...

+1, buy the current atlas for Juan de fuca straight, get the murray tables and start educating yourself on the currents. I just bought them this year and have been amazed that i didnt know about this before. Definelty worth the investment and looking forward to learning more about the currents in the sooke area. I find that the murray tables are very accurate, some of the websites will give you a rough idea, but the murray tables give you a better idea of where the current is actually pushing at a specific location.
