Derby's Canuck emporium

I would agree it was both sides...Lacks was more about being a funnie..he was lucky he did get hurt..I see Buff of the Jets will not get out of his hit easel ...could put the Jets out of the play off hunt...
Better to hit - than be on the receiving end?
It's playoff style hockey...take no prisoners...:)
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yep,should be a gooder...liking Vrbata's new line;adds another dimension & takes some pressure off the twins...:)
We need to win this one so LA doesn't get in...:)

They will need to very good to pull that off. If LA gets in a hole look for a few interesting calls. The league will not want to lose that huge LA playoff market/big dollars if it can be helped.
Looks like we will probably be playing Chicago or Minnesota in rnd 1. I`d rather see them play chicago.