DERBY Boat Accident = Very SAD

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One dead in boat collision off Bamfield
March 03, 2008 | | | |

One woman is dead and two other people were treated for minor injuries after a late-night boat collision at Useless Inlet, near Bamfield, Saturday night. All occupants from both boats were from Port Alberni.

Two boaters known to each other had arranged to meet at the entrance to Useless Inlet, the Rescue Co-ordination Centre from Victoria reported Monday. When one of the boaters failed to arrive, the second boater went looking for the first boater.

As the second boater was leaving Useless Inlet, the first boater was entering and they struck each other.

A 30-year-old female passenger was thrown from the vessel entering the inlet. She was recovered from the water and both CPR and first aid were administered. The Coast Guard from Bamfield attended the scene to assist.

"Unfortunately, the attempts to revive the female victim were unsuccessful and she died of her injuries," Port Alberni RCMP Staff Sgt. Lee Omilusik related.

Two occupants of the second vessel were treated at West Coast General Hospital and released.

No names have been released, Omilusik said.

"At this time alcohol appears to be a factor in this unfortunate incident," he said.
Useless starts @ Pill Pt and goes behind Seddell island till it comes out @ Rainy Bay through a very small Gap .
I know the people involved. I was in kildonan sat. night when it took place. It must have happened around 11 pm because everyone was looking for him by radio around 10:30. I did not hear about the accident until this morning. Very shocking.
Why would these people have been out boating at 11:00 pm,
obviously pitch black, in the winter ???
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
And to have alcohol involved makes it even worse...
Its very upsetting when unnecessary incidents take young lives.
Save the drinking for the shore parties after the boat is put away..
I'll be saying a pray for the grieving families,very sad..:(
Very sad indeed. I feel for those involed and there family's.
However I don't think this should be in anyway connected with the
Loggers Derby. It is, and has been very well run and organized for twenty years.
i here this guy went straight to jail,Is this true??? A couple of pursuits colliding at 30 knts an hour has to cause some damage.These guys were well known in bamfield and our prayers be with them.

quote:Originally posted by silverbullet77

i here this guy went straight to jail,Is this true??? A couple of pursuits colliding at 30 knts an hour has to cause some damage.These guys were well known in bamfield and our prayers be with them.


Lance U hit the nail on the head from the bits I have heard - accurate report. Very sad indeed for all involved. It will certainly change their lives forever, not to mention their families.:(
Man that sucks big time. I will pray for the families. If this was anything other than an accident I would hope they charge the perpetrator with the equivalent of vehicular manslaughter. There is no place for that kind of behavior on the water or elsewhere. There are consequences for all of our actions. God Bless and "Don't forget the Life Jackets."
Impaired operation of motor vehicle (boats are included in this) usually carries a mandatory jail sentence...depending on the severity of his level of intoxication of course, and if he decides to plead guily or take the matter to trial...It really sucks when avaidable collisions like this happen... :(
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

Why would these people have been out boating at 11:00 pm,
obviously pitch black, in the winter ???
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

Maybe they were looking for the over due boat. Remember, roumers are flying. Its not right to make gudgement when you dont know all the facts.
Oh relax wontcha
It's like the cops or EMS responding to an accident scene. Getting into another accident and killing someone by speeding or recless driving or DUI does not make it ok. I'm sure they feel like crap right now but that's not bringing that poor woman back.
God have mercy on their souls.

And if you got something to say don't hide behind a 1 post user blah
As you were
quote:Originally posted by Gossip_Stopper

quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

Why would these people have been out boating at 11:00 pm,
obviously pitch black, in the winter ???
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

Maybe they were looking for the over due boat. Remember, roumers are flying. Its not right to make gudgement when you dont know all the facts.
quote:Originally posted by Gypseas

Oh relax wontcha
It's like the cops or EMS responding to an accident scene. Getting into another accident and killing someone by speeding or recless driving or DUI does not make it ok. I'm sure they feel like crap right now but that's not bringing that poor woman back.
God have mercy on their souls.

And if you got something to say don't hide behind a 1 post user blah
As you were

um.....I dont think you were there were you? I didnt think so. The imaturity of the 'as you were' is uncalled for. All Im saying is get your story straight before spreading untrue roumors. Im not trying to make light of this tragic accident. Someone does have to be held acountable for what happened and Im sure justice will be served and the truth will prevale. God have mercy on HIS soul. And may she rest in peace.

quote:Originally posted by Gossip_Stopper

quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

Why would these people have been out boating at 11:00 pm,
obviously pitch black, in the winter ???
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

Maybe they were looking for the over due boat. Remember, roumers are flying. Its not right to make gudgement when you dont know all the facts.
quote:Originally posted by KoneZone

Man that sucks big time. I will pray for the families. If this was anything other than an accident I would hope they charge the perpetrator with the equivalent of vehicular manslaughter. There is no place for that kind of behavior on the water or elsewhere. There are consequences for all of our actions. God Bless and "Don't forget the Life Jackets."
Originally posted by KoneZone

Man that sucks big time. I will pray for the families. If this was anything other than an accident I would hope they charge the perpetrator with the equivalent of vehicular manslaughter. There is no place for that kind of behavior on the water or elsewhere. There are consequences for all of our actions. God Bless and "Don't forget the Life Jackets."

Both these operators are among the most experienced along this coast and it was a matter of one boater looking after another, simple as that. This is a very very tragect incident and I pray for all the families involved, my hearts go out to all of them.
In your ignorance you may call them perpetrators, and you may question their behavior and you may question whatever you want from your comfortable Monday morning armcahair, but I will tell you if I was ever broke down or lost out on the West Coast these are two people I would want looking for me under any conditions.
This is obviously a very sensitive topic, and some of you know both parties involved. In circumstances such as this we must realize that "good intentions" were truly at the root of the initial search.

Having said that we also must realize that if the individuals alleged were accused of operating a vessel while intoxicated that a trial judge must rule on both mitigating and circumstantial evidence. I would ascertain by the threads posted that some of you know some of the facts, and truly would leave it there!!!

You have the best interest of your friends in mind. This site, and the members who post regarding this could truly be served to testify if they have been witness this event..., or heard third party what truly happened..